07 : The Escape

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" Well we are definitely bringing her along.", I said. " And, Vadar, if you are good to drive, I think we all should have breakfast and... ", Sam said.

" Yeah, let's go!", Higson said.

" I'm fit and fine, we are good to go, but actually it would be a brunch.", Vadar said.


We had breakfast at a restraunt in the society, where we had dinner last night and were taking some snacks with us for the way. It was like we were all going for a picnic.

We started driving from Crures at 1200 and reached the airport at 1600.
The airport was pretty big with a silver arch, on which there was star, I'd come here a couple of times but I was kid, we mostly used to travel by train. It was deserted, we expected a few US soldiers, but there was nobody there. We entered the airport, it was also empty, completely empty. The LCDs were shattered, there were travel bags laying around...

" What the hell happened here?", Sam said, losing his voice.

" Let's check if there is anyone here.", Vadar said.

We walked around the whole area, nobody, we walked to the lobby, it was also empty, the lounge, boarding, every place was empty, but there were a few travel bags laying around, a few windows shattered, some blood here and there, the roofs were completely blasted through in some places, it was the Coup that brought this place down.

It seemed like people ran away, leaving their travel bags, but the parking lot was filled with cars...

" I don't think anyone got out, you see the parking lot was full of cars...", I said.

" Yes, you're right.", Sam said.

We walked through the stairs out outside, where the planes are supposed to be, but there were no planes, it was also empty, no cabbies or buses, maybe they all escaped in the planes...

" I think think they all escaped in the planes?", I said.

" Yeah, leaving us behind, those...", Higson said angrily.

" Let's go, I think we have seen enough.", Linda said.

" We could try the Seaport due east from here?", Texas suggested.

" Hmm, that's a good idea but, I'm pretty sure Russia won't allow any ships from the US.", Vadar said.

" At least it's something, does anyone have any better ideas?", Sam asked.


We ate some food from the lounge, it was delicious, best I had eaten in the two days of the Coup.

We started at 1800, the Seaport was pretty close, it'd take you 3 hours in normal traffic, but I'm pretty sure it isn't normal anymore, so we should be able to get there by 1900.


We reached the seaport by 1930, it was dark, and well it smelled.

" You guys know right that it's getting dark and we'll have to sleep here, and it will smell seaweed and oil, ugh... ", Higson said.

" Just chill, this is not a commercial port, there would be no oil, but seaweed, most probably.", Vadar said

The seaport was also empty, nobody was there, no ships, no food even.

" Now what?", Texas asked.

" There is another seaport due west, maybe we could go there, but it is much more farther away than the airport.", Sam said.

" Let's go! I don't wanna stay here another second! This place is the worst!", Higson said, who had been covering his mouth with a handkerchief.

" I don't think you'll like that place any better...", Sam said, as we left him behind and walked to the car.


We drove past the airport at 2100, it was so dark I could hardly recognise that the airport was even there. I looked up at the stars remembering the strange dream I had the morning and the last.

"So umm, Preak this seaport I was talking about isn't exactly a seaport...", Sam whispered to me.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"It's actually a boat rental spot, I didn't want to sleep in that stinking seaport, so that's why I suggested we go there, I knew Higson would agree...", he said.

"Are you NUTS?! You mean there is no way out of here?! We are... we are... doomed", Higson said, he looked like he was shocked at this discovery. I knew it might come to this, I was prepared, but not enough. I took out my phone in hope of some message from the dark web. We had network. I opened the dark web when everyone was being angry at Sam and he was apologizing. I saw some meassages and articles all about news, I found the guy who suggested we take a plane to Russia, China or India, Roughy had found this message...

' " Russia has been safe and has united with China and India to stop this world domination by the USA, the only option left for the surviving citizens is to escape to Russia, China or India.", by NoStar_67 1 day ago.'

A new message had been sent by him yesterday itself...

' " Any citizens not able to escape to Russia, China or India, should find safe spots and survive till this mayhem is over. Regarding US citizens, they can approach the Bonge military base in the Orma district where the President is rumored to be hiding, citizens of the US sacrifice yourself and help humanity know the real truth about what is going on, Is it a Coup? Or something else?", by NoStar_67 1 day ago.'

"Guys, you have to read this...", I said , as my hands shaked, ingesting this sudden information made me scared. Everybody stopped fighting and blaming Sam and looked at me. Sam took the phone from me and read that article out loud.

"Then let's go to Bonge.", Higson declared.

"Are you crazy? We can't do that, do you really just wanna sacrifice yourself?", Sam said.

"We can... drive to some other airports or seaports to see if they are functional, we will survive this.", Vadar said.

"But first of all we need to get to this boat rental place and find a place to sleep.", Linda said.

" Right.", Sam said, everyone else agreeing.

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