Accidentally- Ch 1

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**The pictures at the top is how I imagine Haley**

Chapter 1

I was sound asleep in my apartment when someone very loudly, and rudely, started banging on my door. I rolled over and looked at the clock; it was 4 am. Fuck.

This better be important, or I just might kill someone I thought. I threw the sheets off and stood up. I looked down at myself an old beat-up t-shirt, flower panties, socks, and figured what the hell and went to go get the door. I undid the dead bolt and prayed one of my family members had died, honestly that was the only acceptable reason I could see for being woken up this early, or late depending how you looked at it.

When I opened the door I was not surprised to see Nash, Cameron, Shawn, Hayes , and (unfortunately) Taylor. I had known these guys forever, and loved them. Sometimes. When they didn't wake me up at 4 am.

I sighed, "What the fuck do you guys want."

They pushed their way passed me into the living room and started turning on lights and music.

I held the door open and said to the air in the hallway, "Please come in, and make yourself at home!"

"You're such a good host, Haley!" Nash called from behind me with a mouthful of food.

I shut the door and turned around to see Hayes doing something on his laptop, Nash talking on the phone (probably to his bitchy girlfriend, who I was surprised wasn't here telling me my hair looked bad), Shawn watching TV, and Cameron and Taylor with their faces in my fridge.

This was a sight I had become accustomed to ever since I became friends with the magcon boys. They were all like brothers to me, except for Taylor. I hated his fucking guts. He was such a tool and he never treated girls right, but he was just sort of part of the whole package.

I shuffled back to my room and grabbed some sweat pants, and went back into the living room and sat down next to Shawn.

"Hey, Haley!" Shawn said to me, way too cheery for this time of night.

I grunted a reply and grabbed a handful of chips from the bag he was eating out of and started to watch TV.

All the salty chips had made me thirsty so I wandered over to where Cam and Taylor were pigging out.

"Ummm, did you save any for me?" I asked as I looked into my nearly empty fridge. Taylor burped in reply. I shot a nasty glare at him and grabbed a soda, "Way to be a cave man, Taylor."

And in reply to that he burped longer, and louder. There was a sudden roar of "Nice one Taylor!" and "Awesome!" I rolled my eyes. Guys.

Taylor started talking with a mouthful of God only knows what, "You're just jealous, Haley, because hot chicks want my dick. And then there's you... like do you even have boobs?"

I slowly covered up my chest. I was a decent C. Ok maybe more like a B+, somewhere between the two. I just chose not to wear shirts that showed them off all the time. I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Do you even have a dick?"

He stood up, knocking the chair he was sitting on over, and began undoing his jeans. "You wanna see it?!"

"Hang on," I said. "I might have to go get my glasses so that I can actually see it."

Everyone yelled, "BURN!" Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud.

Taylor zipped up his jeans and replied, "It's bigger than your boyfriends."

I opened my mouth to defend my boyfriend's honor, when Cameron promptly cut me off. "Children! Settle down. Settle Down." Taylor smirked and began devouring the rest of my food. "Anyways, Haley, you know how Taylor and I just moved into a new apartment?"

I nodded, how could I forget? It was all they had been talking about for the past month.

"WELL! We just moved in and were having a big house warming party tomorrow night, you there?"

"I'm there."

Accidentally// Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now