Accidentally- Ch 28

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Chapter 28

We finally managed to ditch Josh and Derek for the time being. We were aimlessly wondering around trying to figure out what to do next, which meant I was pretending to think about that and was actually thinking about the kiss.

Did it mean as much to him as it did to me? Did it mean ANYTHING to him? Was it simply because I was currently pregnant with his child? Mhmm. These thoughts kept nagging at me.

“We should probably go to the police,” Taylor said. That shocked me; he didn’t seem like the type to want police involvement.

“But you know Derek’s going to turn you in though, right? I mean you were involved too.” The distance between Taylor and I as we were walking was killing me.

“So what if I go to jail for a couple years, at least they will be off the street and behind bars.” He shrugged.

“I object,” I grabbed Taylor’s arm and stopped him, “I’m going to be pushing out a baby here in the next 6 months, yours I might add, and I would prefer it if you weren’t behind bars.” I let my hand linger a little too long and then I dropped it.

“Well, what the fuck do you want from me Haley?!” Taylor, said his voice rising in anger. “I don’t exactly want our kid growing up with these guys on the loose, constantly hunting us down.”

“I don’t either! But I can’t do this without you! Taylor, I’m 19 and I’m having a fucking kid. I’m scared, ok? And who’s to say you’re going to stick around, even if you don’t go to jail for the next couple of years? We’re not even married anymore! And it’s not like we were actually together in the first place.” I practically yelled, getting all of the doubts that had been plaguing my mind out.

“You think I won’t stick around?” Taylor asked shocked.

“Well I don’t know,” I nearly whispered, “It’s not like there’s any reason for you to stay.”  I was nearly on the verge of tears. I could really feel the pregnant hormones kicking in.

“No reason to stay? Haley you’ve got to be kidding me right?!” I just stared at him with wide eyes. He groaned, “Seriously? I’ve got about a thousand reasons to stay!” I stared at him some more, hoping he could go on. He got the hint. “Well for starters you ARE pregnant, and I’m not going to abandon my own kid. Secondly, I’ve already stuck around a lot longer than I normally would.”

I interjected, “That one doesn’t count Sadie forced you to stay married to me.”

“That’s what you think?” he asked. “Haley, if I really wanted out, I would have gotten out a long time ago. Sadie likes to think she’s in control, but really she’s not.”

“But Taylor, you divorced me yesterday.” I pointed out.

“Only because Derek was threatening to kill you if I didn’t!” He yelled. “Don’t you get it? I DIDN’T want out.”

I stared at him blankly. I was still confused.

“Oh my God.” He groaned, “Haley, I’m completely in love with you.” Then he pulled me in and kissed me. It was full of passion, like he was trying to put everything he had into that kiss. He pulled away too soon leaving me flustered and starry eyed, and said “Even though you can be a real bitch and a pain in my ass most of the time, and it really pisses me off when you steal my fries. If you want some, just get your fucking own.” I had a feeling he kept talking because he was nervous, so ignoring his last comment, I grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled his lips back down to mine kissing him furiously.

Eventually we parted, needing to breathe and all. I didn’t know about him, but I was about to start Taylorping around and singing in joy. He loved me. It was a strange and wonderful feeling; no one had really loved me before.

Once I got my breathing under control I said, “Hey douche.”

He looked over at me, worry in his eyes.

I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his chest. He tentatively put his hands on my waist, asking with his eyes if it was alright. When I didn’t say anything he pulled me closer. “You are the biggest asshole I know. You drive me crazy. Honestly, not a day goes by where I don’t think about wanting to choke you.” The worried look came back. I continued needing to say this, “For example when you use my toothbrush, what the fuck is with that anyway? Yours is sitting right next to mine, perfectly good to use. And how you constantly unplug my cell phone to charge yours, so then mine doesn’t charge. Like, that’s really annoying.” I realized I was rambling to because of my nerves, so I just go to the point. “However, despite your many flaws I may also be a tiny bit in love with you.”

The biggest smile spread across his face, “Oh, only a tiny bit, huh?” He said, clearly not believing me.

“Well yeah, that’s what I said.” I said like I was stating the obvious.

He leaned in and kissed me lightly.

“Alright,” I said I sighed pretending to accept defeat, “that’s not true. I kind of love you a lot.”

Taylor picked me up and spun me around, and I was happiest I had ever been in my life.

Until a gunshot went off.



I only have 4 more chapters till this story is completed! After I finish this story I'm going to start a new one

Accidentally// Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now