Accidentally- Ch 12

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Chapter 12

“Haley, can we talk?” Josh asked me.

I looked behind me at Taylor; he shrugged “It’s fine with me.”

Josh grabbed my hand and started to walk away, “Uh Josh, I speak for myself. And I don’t really feel like talking to you right now, or ever really.”

He looked pissed. His grip on my hand got tighter; his nails digging into my skin “Come on, Haley” He started to pull me away again.

“Josh, I said no. You cheated on me, probably not for the first time, so I don’t really see a reason to talk. We’re over.” I tried to break out of his grasp, but he only held on tighter.

“Haley, Haley, Haley.” He looked down at me with a threatening look in his eyes, “We’re not over till I say we’re over.”

Taylor stepped in between us and pushed him off me. “Actually, no. In case you didn’t realize, we’re married now. So that means you better back the fuck off.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Married, yeah right. Like I’m going to be stupid enough to believe that, we just broke up last night.”

I stepped around Taylor, still keeping him in front of me, so I could see. “Josh, we really did get married.” I held up my left hand and wiggled my ring finger. I shrugged, “It just wasn’t very hard to get over you.”

“You little bitch.” Josh said as he lunged at me and grabbed my arm, but Taylor quickly stepped in the way and got his hand off me. He shoved Josh, “Don’t you ever fucking touch her again. You got me?”

Josh laughed, “Nobody tells me how to treat my girl.”

“She’s not your girl anymore.” Then suddenly Josh punched Taylor right in the eye, which was going to bruise later. And then before I could blink Taylor tackled Josh and they were rolling around on the floor hitting each other.

I always wanted two guys to fight over me, I just never thought it would be my cheating bastard of an ex-boyfriend and the guy I hated and accidentally married. Life was throwing me a lot of twist and turns.

Growing up being friends with 5 guys, I did what any girl in my situation in a short dress and heels would do. I got in the middle of the fight.

At this point everyone had made a circle around us and was chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” I didn’t know why, because it was plainly obvious that they were already fighting.

I jumped in the middle of the fight and started kicking Josh with my heels. I got a really good kick in and I was super proud until Taylor said, “HALEY! If you’re going to join in on the fight, at least fight on the right side!” I looked down at him holding his shin, where I had apparently just kicked him.

Luckily, it had caused a small enough break in the fight for Cameron to step in and break it up. I helped Taylor up, and I saw that he was pretty banged up. Unfortunately, the injury that appeared the worst was the one I had caused. Whoops. It was already starting to bruise. “THIS ISN’T OVER!” Josh yelled as Cam slammed the door in his face.

Everyone had stopped dancing and partying and was watching us, so Taylor put his arm around me and then yelled “Let’s keep this party going!” Then everyone cheered, and no one paid any more attention to us.

I looked at Taylor’s face, and it was pretty beaten up. “Come on, follow me. I left some stuff here in my bathroom.”

“You have more stuff?!”He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. We weaved through the big crowd again, through my room, and into my private bathroom. Luckily no scum bag ex-boyfriends were in there at the moment.

Taylor sat down on the edge of the tub, he looked pretty beaten up. I closed the door so we could actually hear each other over the music. I began searching through the medicine cabinet for anything that would be helpful. The only thing I found were hello kitty band-aids. Well, he was going to have to man up and deal with it.

I sat down on the floor in front of Taylor on the toilet lid and looked up at him, “Taylor… I’m so sorry about that.”

“About what?” he asked, “You kicking me or me getting into a fight with that tool?”

I shrugged, “Both I guess. Mostly me kicking you. I’m not too sorry that Josh got his ass handed to him.” I started to put band-aids on his shin, I put more than necessary because they made me laugh. He rolled his eyes when he saw they were hello kitty.

“Well, I’m certainly not sorry about beating the shit out of pretty boy; I’ve wanted to do it for a while now. He completely deserved it.” 

I looked up at him questioningly, “You’ve wanted to do if for a while now? Why? And for how long?”

“How longs did you guys go out?”

“Two years.”

“Then I’ve wanted to punch him in the face for two years. As for why, you should have heard some of the things he said about you behind your back.”

I jumped up off the toilet, pissed, “Why wouldn’t you guys tell me!”

“Would you honestly have believed ANY of us?” He eyed me skeptically.

“I’d like to say yes, but realistically no… When did this all start?” I walked over to the sink and grabbed a wash cloth and wet it a little. Then I started some of the blood off Taylor’s face.

“Well, it was probably the first time you introduced him to all of us. When you went to the bathroom he said some stuff that you just don’t say about your girlfriend, or really any girl. And certainly not to her friends. So later on that night, I don’t know where the hell you went, but I had a little talk with him. I just told him that what he said wasn’t cool and that you deserved better than that. As you can imagine, he got a little pissed.” I was shocked. I never knew this had happened. It made sense though.

“No wonder he was in such a rush to leave that night…and why he told me he didn’t like you and that I was to stay away from you. Not the guys, but specifically you.”

“But you didn’t stay away from me? Well not more than you normally would anyway.”

“Well that was why we had our first big fight and he… It doesn’t matter, don’t flatter yourself though, I just wasn’t going to let him tell me what to do. It wasn’t like I had some burning desire to be around you.”

He stood up; I could see a black eye forming. I felt bad, but at the same time it was a soothing reminder of what had just happened. No one had ever fought FOR me before.

“Oh, please. You want me. Bad. That’s why you proposed to me.” He winked.

“I did not! You CLEARLY proposed to me. Whatever, I guess we will never know. It’s not like either of us can remember anyway.”

“I don’t need to remember to know that you proposed to me.” He looked so confident in himself.

“Whatever. Well, anyways we should probably get back out there.” I opened the door and stepped into my room. I turned around and looked at him, “By the way, thank you. You know, for defending my honor and all.”

He looked around my empty room shocked, “Did Haley just say thank you, to ME?! OH MY GOD.”

“Shut up. I still hate you.”

“I still hate you too.” They he lightly shoved me against the wall and walked out of the room. We had been married for about two days, and already our relationship was starting to change. For starters, when I said I hated him, I didn’t actually mean it.

Taylor popped his head back in the room, “Yo, wife, are you coming or not?”

He extended his hand out, I grabbed it and we went back into the party.

Accidentally// Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now