Accidentally- Ch 21

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Chapter 21

Taylor and I sat in the waiting room for what felt like EVER. I was literally bleeding onto their floor, yet they decided to take some chick who had stapled her finger. She wasn’t even bleeding.

I had already bled through the towel, so Taylor had to get me some paper towels from the bath room. This was turning into a great adventure!

Taylor and I had gotten many looks sitting there, me bleeding to death and him literally looking like death with about a hundred bruises. Several girls had come up to us and had taken our picture; I hoped this is the kind of publicity Sadie wanted.

The hospital must have had the AC on full blast, and for a girl only in a t-shirt that meant it was pretty cold. I had goose bumps and I was shivering. When Taylor finally noticed he took off his sweat shirt and gave it to me.

As I put it on over my head I noticed it smelled just like him, and that wasn’t a bad thing. It made me forget I was bleeding to death in the ER waiting room, that my dad was potentially part of ‘fight club’, and that Derek was probably going to try to kill me in the near future.

After we had been sitting there for two hours they finally called us back. Of course it was another hour before they stitched me up because they had to ask about a million questions.  Was I pregnant (why was this constantly a question?), had I done any drugs recently, could I have an STD… the list went on and on. Apparently they were considering giving me blood, which was they were asking so many questions, but it seemed stupid to me because the more time the pondered giving me blood, the more of my blood was leaving my body. They finally decided to do a blood test real quick for something, I didn’t ask. I just wanted stiches and then to go home.

After they had finished stitching my leg up (which really hurt because they refused to give me any painkillers, my nurse wasn’t convinced that I wasn’t pregnant) we had to wait about another 20 minutes for the blood test results to come back.

I was sitting there counting the tiles on the floor, while Taylor was throwing wadded up tissues into the trash can, when the nurse came in laughing. She was looking down at the papers shaking her head, “I knew it!” she said.

“Uhh, knew what?” I asked.

“That you’re pregnant silly!” She patted me on the knee.

“What.” Taylor and I said at the same time.

“WHAT.” I said one more time. This wasn’t possible. “I don’t understand, I CAN’T be pregnant.”

She looked down at the ring on my finger, “Why not? You’re married! It’s not that big of a deal!”

Taylor came up and stood beside me, “No, you don’t understand she cant physically be pregnant.”

The nurse looked confused, “What do you mean? Does all that” she pointed to my lower stomach, “Not work?”

Taylor laughed, “No that works fine; once a month like clockwork she’s bitching me out over something stupid.”

I glared at him, “We haven’t had sex.” I said to the nurse.

She looked completely shocked, “You haven’t what?” That’s when I realized how strange what I was saying sounded. We were clearly married, and not having had sex yet was certainly not normal.

That’s when Taylor stepped in and decided to be helpful, “You see Haley here, made a promise to herself long ago that she would not have sex before she was 25. Strange, I know but trust me there’s no way she’s pregnant.”  Taylor put his arm around me.

 “Yeah, what he said.” I added.

The nurse looked even more confused, “But here on the chart is says you’ve already had sex…”


Taylor pretended to gasp. I ignored him.

“Look there is no way I am pregnant. I know for a fact that every night for over the past two years, I have not had sex. So unless I’ve been pregnant for over a year, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Taylor got a worried look on his face, “Haley… neither of us clearly remembers what happened that night.”

Uh-oh. “Right. The night we got married, forgot about that one…”

Taylor’s face went white as a ghost, “So it looks like we won’t have to pretend anymore…”

Accidentally// Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now