Music without Lyrics

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Most of my life I despised of my dad, and the way he lived his life. Yet I felt this feeling I never felt toward him, I felt love. I sat by his bed in Worcester central hospital. Waiting for him to wake up. I slowly rested my head on his stomach, I refused to cry, no I couldn't cry. Hearing the slow beating of his heart made my stomach turn. In this same moment, anger consumed my lesser being, enraged at him. All my life he was never there for me, even on my birthday. Now he was leaving me. My face started to cover in tears, dripping down my chin onto the warm comforting pale white sheets. "Don't cry." The sound of his voice made me relieved. "DAD!" I screamed, as I wrapped my arms firmly around him. He carefully took my arms off. "You got a strong grip." He said, with a smile on his face. Yet, I saw the pain that he was remorseful to show me. Why wouldn't he show me that he hurt? I wish he would love me as much as the other kids dads loved them, but I guess that's how my dad works. All he's really best for is locking his feelings inside him. I heard the soft breathing as he prepared to speak. " when I die I want you to go see your Aunt Jean, she will guid you better than I did." My dad wasn't lying when he said he did a terrible job at taking care of me. But still why did he want me to visit that crazy broad, my dad knows I hated going over her house. " But I..I wanted to stay at your house and live there, please dad." I said as begged him, with tears strolling down my face. As soon as he saw me cry he slowly brought his hand over to my face and stoked my cheek gingerly, whilst wiping away the tears.

As I turned away from his hand, I heard, well I heard his breath fading away. I turned back toward him as I felt his hand slowly touch mine, a ringing sound from the dainty machine exploded my ears. Nurses dragged me away but I wouldn't let go. I couldn't let go. I blacked out as soon as I felt a sharp pain go through my neck and run down my spine. When I woke up I saw a wrinkly old lady hovering over me, no it couldn't be not her, but I know I couldn't refuse. I leaned over to cry, as she slowly sat down and laid my head comfortably on her legs, that felt so boney, but I couldn't care less about that I was to busy sobbing on her instead.

Tell me what you think and if you guys like it I will write more.😃

chapter 2

Right when I woke up I felt a little motion sick. But that wasn't really important knowing I wasn't in the hospital crying. I slid off the soft silky red blankets onto the cold damp floor. I walked towards the door, as I slowly slipped through the crack that was open. One thing I did know was it wasn't in my room which was filled with gold and Sterling silver. "Katy, I'm so glad your awake." A voice said from down the auburn shinny floors. " who's here. " I said as I peaked over the edge of the stair way. When I peaked over the edge I saw a lady. It was the lady I saw at the hospital. Right then and there I new it was my Aunt Moraine. " Are you hungry my dear Katy." She said with a pan full of blueberry pancakes. I always remember her crips blueberry pancakes, they were always so sweet and tart at the same time. "Um...I guess." I said as I held my stomach tight. I walked slowly down the stairs.

     Sorry this was not finished I sent it while trying to send another book

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