Chapter 1

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{The Story Of Alice's Brother}


I watched the ash-grey clouds pass over the bright white moon. I leaned against the metal railing on my porch balcony. I looked down over the balcony, remembering the time in the woods. As I thought of the memory, I ran my hand over my scar that was still there to this very day.

All things looked so high from up here. My house was on a hill, well, it wasn't really a house. More like a mansion.

Yes, my family's rich but I'm not proud of it. I hated how they over exaggerated everything just because they had the money for it. I preferred small and rustic. Not large and fancy. Unfortunately, my party tonight was the latter.

It's my twenty-first birthday tonight and my parents have thrown yet another huge party that I kindly begged for them not to. Yet they still do it. I sighed and put my head down, closing my eyes.

"Ryan." Allie's voice appeared next to me. I looked up to see her looking at me with that formal posture that I hated so much. Something I had to painstakingly learn for the whole of my life. "Why aren't you enjoying your party?" She asked politely. I looked at her appearance thoroughly and that just made me roll my eyes. She looked perfect

Her chestnut brown hair was straightened perfectly. She wore a dark red slim dress that emphasized her curves perfectly. She had the same perfect colour of red on her high heels. She had dangly real diamond earrings and a perfect matching bracelet. Her perfect hazel eyes were dusted with copper shadow and her perfect lips had gloss on. Even her fucking red tipped nails were perfect. God, I hate that word.

I hated being it even.

"What's wrong?" She asked, frowning. "I'm sick of trying to stay perfect. I'm sick of this facade. I'm sick of having these outrageous parties... Must I carry on?" I asked her rhetorically. She sighed and lifted my face. "Chin up, Ryan. It's your twenty-first. At least try to have some fun." She persuaded me.

I turned my head back to where I was looking before and touched my scar again, checking if it was still there. I was proud of my scar. It was proof I had a moment of freedom. "Hey, do you remember that day?" I asked her. She cocked her head in confusion.

"The day I got the scar." I clarified. "Oh yes. That day. Why?" She asked with a quizzical expression. "That was the best fucking day of my life." I smiled. She frowned. "Language, Ryan." She warned. "Does it look like I care about my language?" I asked, waving her off.

"Come now. At least talk to your friend, Russ. I don't want you to be antisocial on your birthday." Allie said with a mother-like tone. "But that's me, Al. I'm the socially awkward guy you see in the crowd." I sighed. "Please Ryan. I'm begging you to get your ass out there and socialise." She said with anger.

I smiled and she went pale, realising what I made her do. "Language, Allison." I teased her. "Shut up and get out there." She said with a blank face. "That's the Allie I know." I smirked and agreed to her terms.

I went inside the room packed with very formal looking people and very classical music in the background. I approached Russ and said, "Good evening sir. How my help you?" In a very posh way. He and I both burst out laughing. "Hey man, how you been?" Russ asked in a very informal fashion.

That's what I loved about him. He was filthy rich yet he was just like any other guy. I envied his freedom to be like that. His parents accepted him for who he was. But if I act like that around my parents I'd be shunned for months.

"Ah you know, the usual. How's Red?" I asked. He got married to Red a few months ago. I never knew Red at first but as soon as I got to know her, I just knew that Russ and her were perfect for each other. She was genuine and not materialistic like other rich girls. I hope I could find the same.

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