Chapter Two: A New Young Princess

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Third Person's POV

As Tygra was walking in the palace garden his ears couldn't help but hear the sound of someone sleeping close by, it peaked his interest to see who it was.

The sound of sleeping led him to the larges tree in the garden, where he immediately saw a young girl with blue locks and fresh clean new clothes on her, her hair having two pink Robbins holding them. She seemed to be asleep but she also seemed to be unconscious at the same time, her breathing was fast and she had a small bump on her head he assumed she fell from the sky or something. Desperate to know what happened to her Tygra began to pat her shoulder in hopes she'll wake up, and indeed she did. Just half awake at least.

"Who... who are you? Where am I? What happened?" The girl asked very weakly.

"I am Tygra, son of Claudus. You're in the royal palace of Thundera." Tygra answered but the last question the girl had ask was something he couldn't reply to.

The young maiden in blue just looked at him still only half awake from her unconscious mind, her eyes still half open and her entire body too weak to move an inch from her position now.

"I-I'm Wendy." The girl said weakly before passing out once again.

The soft smile in Tygra's lips faded and a sad expression revealed itself. Having pity on the poor girl who looked nothing like him or any animal he decided to take her back in the palace with him. He picked the young girl up in his arms, her two hands tucked in her body with all her fingers intertwined with each other, her legs being lift up by his arm while her head rested peacefully on the crook of his other arm. The formation he was carrying her was like he was cradling a cub.

A new soft smile formed on Tygra's lips as he watch the girl sleep in awe.

"I can't leave you here, now can I?" He asked the youth in his arms who just kept sleeping.

Tygra couldn't help but watch in awe, as he carries her back in the castle.


When Tygra entered the throne room with the young maiden still in his arms he found everyone inside waiting for him.

"Tygra, where have you been my son?" King Claudus asked his son.

"I was in the garden walking, until I found her at least." Tygra respond, as his attention turns back the young girl in his arms.

Everyone in the room except him was surprise to see the strange looking girl in their prince's arms, she looked nothing like the animals they've seen. Grand Meister Jaga notice the unusual ring in the maidens finger and remembered the legend that came with it.

"The ring on the child's finger," he spoke as he goes nearer to her.

Tygra and everyone else looked at the grand meister confused, as he continues explaining the legend.

"The ring in her finger has a legend, it is known as The Liger Ring." Jaga says.

"And what does its legend say?" Tygra asked curiously to find out about the so-called liger ring.

"It was said that the ring was created from the element of wind, it was forge with magic by mages of old. It was said that the liger ring was lost after it was forge, it was said to have many powers and some were to help its wielder. It was said that the ring will only reveal itself to its master and no one else, it was also said that when the ring is found and its wielder puts it on the ring will give its wielder the power travel to our world. So the fact that this young girl looks nothing like us means she is not from this world but from another." Jaga explains.

"Well either way, I would like to take her as my own." Tygra exclaimed.

"You mean you want to adopt her?" Claudus said in shock.

"Yes. If I may?" Tygra replies in worry.

"Are you sure you're ready for something like that, Tygra?" Lion-O asked.

"I don't care if she's different or if it'll be hard," Tygra exclaims with pride. "I want to have her." He adds, as he returns his attention to the youth that's still in his arms.

Claudus felt proud and happy for his son to take such a burden in his shoulders, it was as if Tygra did marry and had a child of his own. He had long to see his two sons happy and long to see them finally giving him grandchildren, now fate has answered his prayers and it was Tygra's decision to adopt the poor girl so who was he to judge his son's decisions. The child needed help now that he knows she is from another world and who better to help her than his own son.

"Please father, let me keep her. I am the only one she knows in this world right now and she came to an alien world, she needs help. At least let me help her." Tygra begged his father.

"Very well Tygra," Claudus exclaimed, as everyone's attention turns to him and he rises up from his throne to stand. "It seems we have a young princess. But not as the child of the king, but as the child of the eldest prince. You may keep her as your own and be her father." Claudus adds.

Tygra had never felt so happy before in his life, he couldn't even believe he was finally a father. But without him knowing someone else couldn't believe what just happened. This person was taken aback and felt into sadness, the man she loved had given himself a princess and loved it more than he could ever love her or how she could ever love him.


Tygra took his new daughter to a room in the castle, one which is fit for a princess. He watch her sleep in awe as he sat besides her on a chair. Until the young girl finally flutters her eyes open.

"You're finally awake." He spoke.

The young girl nod and spoke as as well, "Y-you're... Tygra."

"Yes. And your name is Wendy, correct?" Tygra asked still in awe.

The young maiden nods her head once again before suddenly turning her attention to the golden ring on her finger. This ring... it took me here. Wendy couldn't help but think. Tygra notice the sadness in her and decided to speak once again.

"I can't do anything about sending you home but I promise that I'll protect you in the this world, as long as I'm alive no evil force will touch you."

He carefully caress the girl's hair and she looks at him still rather depress before finally sitting up, but averted her eye contact. Tygra knew how hard it was for her to be in such a world so he decided not to push her but instead hug her gently, the sudden action shocked Wendy.

"I promise I will do everything I can to help you with this new environment. I know it's too soon to say, but I'll try to give you a family that you won't end up regretting to be with." Tygra says.

Wendy's brown eyes widen, no one has ever cared about her. Not even her own family cared when her parents died, those who cared just did their best to help they never truly helped they just provide her with what she needed. Now here she was, being hugged by a tiger from another world and was being given a family, one that'll help and protect her.

Wendy couldn't help but cry, finally someone saw pity in her. But something had bothered the young maiden, while she was asleep she dreamt of a white dragon with blue eyes telling her about magic and controlling it, not only that she also felt like eyes were watching her as she feels Tygra's embrace and she tries to embrace back. Tygra also felt like someone was spying on them, it came from the door but he assumed that it might be just Lion-O and his father checking on them but the truth is it's not. Two yellow eyes watch the father and daughter embrace each other from the door, these eyes had jealousy written in them and sadness at the same time. The cat that stude behind the door carefully backed away before finally running off with full speed leaving a cloud of dust behind.

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