l Chap. O n e l

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"Ba-Baby! Wa-Watch-" I didn't even get a chance to save her... I never even got a chance to reached out towards her. It all happened in a instance.. Someone in that stupid blue mustang.. Ran over my girlfriend.. Two months ago..


I haven't been the same since then.. I haven't left my room in so long.. I haven't been eating correctly, I haven't been showering that much, I haven't been going outside at all. Hell I haven't even been updating my YouTube channel in fucking two and a half months!

Mark has been worrying about me so much.. I have been getting text from him non stop. He must really care about me.. But yet I don't care what happens to me. I gave up on myself. I gave up on everything. The only thing that I use anymore is my old friend.

... It was my fault why Abby (His girlfriend) isn't alive today. I could have fucking saved her! I could have fucking saved her from the stupid fucker that killed her! I could have...

    *Bing! Bing! Bing!*

Ugh.. Mark just leave me the fuck alone! I pushed my knees up towards my face. Just trying to get that stupid noise to stop!

After a few minutes it finally stopped.. I don't understand why Mark wants to talk to me so badly.. Why does he want to talk to me anyway?

I sniffed with looking towards my bathroom. I gripped my hand with biting my bottom lip. Guess it's time to meet an old friend again.

(That indicates that the POV has changed c: So now Mark's POV)

"Damnit Sean! Pick up your goddamn phone for once!" I yelled out in frustration at my phone. I threw my phone down at my table, while taking off my glasses, just putting my hands on my face. Why can't Sean at least pick up his phone for once.. I'm worried about him. I'm worried about my best friend! It's been about three months since I actually spoke to him.. In person that is. The last time we talked on the phone was.. Probably two months ago..

A few minutes pasted, I took my hands off of my face and looked over to where I put my phone at. I then put my glasses on real quickly, grabbing my phone and dialing Sean's phone number again.

   *Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!*

"Uh, hey this is Sean. I'm currently not at my phone because I'm too busy playing HAPPY WHEELS! Leave a message after the beep and I will get to you as soon as possible! Bye!"

I smiled once hearing Sean's cute little message. I took a deep breathe and began to talk.

"Yeah hey! Ja-Jack! It's me! Ma-Mark.. Look I'm getting really worried about you.. It's been too long since I haven't heard you man.. What's up? I need to know.. Our fans are worried about you.. Please call me-"

I growled how that's all I could say.. I would have said so much more..

Sigh.. Sean what are you doing...? Can't you see that I'm worried about you!? I'm his best friend! I was the one that was always there for him! When he needed someone there to cry to. When he needed me because he wanted to return to his old friend.. God I hated when he did that.. It took me forever just to get him out of that habit! I hope he isn't doing that again... He promised me he wouldn't...

Sigh.. Sean please.. I need you in my life too.

(Now it's Sean's)

I heard everything what Mark said. Everything. I'm glad to hear his voice again. But.. I wish I heard more..

I got off of the ground and was finally walking out of my bedroom, with accidentally bumping into the door with my right arm. I hissed out in pain, with whimpering a little, I looked down at my wrist. Gulping at what I did.. W-Why.. I-I promised Mark I wouldn't do that again! A-And yet I did! Go-God I'm such a fucking mess! I wanted to cry right there.. But I held it back.. I already cried too much in these last two and a half months lately...

I took a big breather.. And decided to finally eat something in my house. This is progress.. Right? Ju-Just a little... I-I should call Mark.. But he won't be happy when I tell him that I visited my old friend again..

And that mah Cubz! Is the first chapter of this book! Please tell me your opinions on it. Do you like? Do you think I could do a little bit better? Is the little thingys '•~~~~~~~~• + *--------*' confusing you? I'm doing that instead of saying 'Sean's POV + Mark's POV' because I hate doing that. I really do. It just bothers me for some unknown reason.. Idk why. Sooooo! Remember.

This '•~~~~~~•' means the POV has changed

This '*--------*' means that it's skipping time. Or getting back into the present sorta thing.

Y'know? Okkie.

Show me some motherfucking love, cause I need some love tonight ^3^

You don't have to though. The next chapter will probably be in about a couple of weeks? Maybe during my thanksgiving break! That will be I think the 22-25? I think. Idk. Well, I'll see you next time Cubz ^3^
Stay coolz! I love you. Forever and always!
Three. More. Words.

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