l Chap. F o u r l

841 27 24

I was annoyingly woken up by my stupid phone going off. Hell it's five o'clock in the morning! I just want some freaking rest!

My phone wouldn't stopped ringing for the past minute or so. I finally picked it up, saying "Hello," very tiredly.

"Wake up love, I'm coming to Ireland to see you!"

I rubbed my eyes, blinking a few times, then looking over at my alarm clock I had on my other nightstand.

"Fucking Mark. Do you know what time it is here in Ireland?!"

"Five thirty-five in the morning. Duh!"

Ho-How did he..

"How did you know that!?"

Mark started to laugh his ass off on the other side of the phone.

"Wa-Was I really correct!?"


"We-Well I just guessed!"

I started to stare at a random wall in my room, looking anger at it.

"Fuck you Mr. Fischbach."

I could just feel Mark smirking on the other side of the phone.

"Fuck you daddy. I think you forgot the daddy part Sean."

I was blushing so badly. Guess someone has a daddy kink.

"I-I.. I.. But.."

Mark was laughing again.

"I'm sorry Jack. I'll let you sleep. Night. And hey, I'm on my way to Ireland. Right now as we speak."

"E-Excuse me sir! You can't have your phone out! Pu-Put it away!"

"So-Sorry Jack, I love you. Bye!"


I sighed and threw my phone down on the bed.

"At least now I can finally get some sleep."


I woke up again, but not from a phone blasting my eardrums. I woke up by myself.

I blew a raspberry while looking at my alarm clock. Nine forty-two A.M. it has read.

I groaned with getting up from my bed. Four more hours to go until Mark gets here.

I smiled softly to myself.

I love it when I see Mark. He makes me happy! And I just loved it when he kept putting his hand on me while we were at a type of comecon.


"Attention passengers, we will be arriving to Ireland in less than thirty minutes. Please stay in your seats until then. Thank you and have a blessed day."

Oh my fucking god. Do you know how boring it is on a airplane for eight straight fucking hours!? I had to literally entertain myself with counting how many people got up that had to take a leak. Thirty-five. It was fucking thirty-five people!


(Not including myself those eight times....)

Maybe I can call Jack now?

I took out my phone, and saw that one of the ladies that hands out those little bags of peanuts was coming near me.

"U-Uh miss!"

She looked at me with those beautiful bright blue eyes... They look like Sean's.

"Yes sir?"

"Y-Yeah.. I was wondering if I could use my phone?"

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