7| Park Kisses

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Micha's POV
I stopped hanging out with...him, now. And its only been 2 days. I still hang out with the boys...just not with him.

"Hey guys!" I waved at them. Not making eye contact with Yoongi.

"Hmph. Anyway I'll be going to class now." Yoongi scoffed then walked away.
Later that night...
Jimin's POV
I was sitting in the living room while everyone was playing except for...yoongi hyung  obviously.
"Jin-hyung!" I shouted his name.

"Yes?" Jin walked up to me and sat beside me.

"Don't you..think its starting to get awkward with Micha and Yoongi."

"Yeah..I know Jimin. And that really is weird."

"We need to get to the bottom of this." I looked down.

"Alright, we'll see whats up." Jin placed a hand on my shoulder.

Then walked back to the kitchen.
Yoongi's POV

Time to get out.

Okay...first open the door.

The door creaked loudly.

"Aish shut up!" I mumbled to the door. Am I going crazy?



I head out again and the lights flicker open.

"Where do you think you're going young man?" Jin glared at me.

"Oh my god shut up turn the lights back off. I'm just going to buy some food I'm hungry."

"Theres literally EVERYTHING in the pantry. Seriously." He crossed his arms.

"Yeah..w-well I'm not into the food there." I quickly ran out, shutting the door behind me.

"Aish this boy." Thats the last thing I heard from Jin.

I was now walking at the park.

I sat on a bench and just looked up. The stars in the sky were all shining so bright tonight.

I heard twigs cracking and some footsteps.

I was about to leave when I saw...her.

"What are YOU doing here?" She looked at me coldly.

"Hmph. Same goes to you." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Ugh. Nevermind I'm just going to go back then." She turned around.

"Wait!" I called to her.

"Yes?" She leaned on a tree.

"Why are you so..cold again?" I took a step closer to her.

"Me? Being cold hearted bitch to you? I was trying to be nice to you, but you were so angry you didn't even look at me. And also! Why do you need to give me a note in my locker if you're just gonna make Kyung Mi and her friends beat me again?!"

Wait what?

Kyung mi beat her?


"Kyung Mi beat me, yeah so what? Its you the one who set it up isn't it Min Yoongi. And two times. Seriously?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Micha..I never told Kyung mi to beat you."

My eyes widened.

"No wonder you were bruised up that day."

Micha's POV

"Even so, you didn't even show up when I ACTUALLY placed the note."

"Y-you did?" My body was suddenly full of guilt.

The piece of paper was from Min Yoongi.

"But...I cant blame you. You were pranked the first time so..sorry." He lowered his head.

"Y-yoongi..no no its my fault." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Promise me you wont get mad at me for doing this..." Yoongi looked at me in the eyes.


Your eyes widened when all of a sudden he placed his lips on top of yours. His lips were soft and tasted like mint.

For the whole moment.

I felt happiness.

He pulled back.

"Y-yoongi..." I was still in shock.

He was just looking down on the ground.

"Yoongi. Look up you pabo." I shook his shoulder.

"I-i'm sorry for doing that. Its getting late. I have to go. Bye Micha." With that...

He left...
Entry #69 (i'm so mature)
Finally you're back ugh. I was scared all those secrets will spill. Ughhhhhh luckily Yoongi brought it back. But did he read it? Hopefully not. Anywhoooo Yoongi just kissed me kajsjdskalaljdnskaoqndks i canttrr like seriously your CRUSH just kissed you. Anywhoo thats all tata.
Short tiny little update. Hope you enjoy this one i need to study chinese now so before i go
-Ya girl out

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