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Listen to Save Me (start when Jimin starts singing ^.^)

Yoongi's POV

I want to breathe, I hate this night

Thats what I said to myself every night.

I want to wake up, I hate this dream

I'm trapped inside of myself and I'm dead

I don't want to be lonely.

I just wanna be yours.

Why is it so dark where you're not here?

Today the moon shines brighter on the blank spot in my memories
It swallowed me, as this lunatic.


Months after Micha was claimed dead.

I actually went to the US at May 1st but came back for Micha's 'funeral.' And the principal told me to come back anytime I want to come back.


Micha turned me into...
A crazy lunatic.

"Please take my hand and save me, Micha."

"I need your love before I fall..."

Suddenly the door opened.

"Yoongi..." a voice called out.

"H..hyung..." I silently cried.

"Aish, Yoongi-ah. You have to go to the US tomorrow, get some sleep." Jin hyung scolded me.

"What tips do you have again? Cheat? Huh." I turned cold again.

"Just...sigh go to sleep Yoongi."

"Hyung...Micha is...Micha is alive right?" I asked.

"I...i don't know...good night Yoongi." He was in a hurry.

I wonder why.

Jin must have something to do with this.

Stop, Yoongi.

You're just making excuses.
~the next day~
I got ready to go to the airport.

"Make sure to eat well, take care of yourself, don't sleep to late, call us everyda-"

"Yes, Jin." I rolled my eyes trying to shut him up.

I gave everyone a hug before I go.

"Bye everyone." I waved at them and left.

"Flight number 843 for Bangtan Airlines, is about to fly, please go go gate 3 immediately."

"Okay I got to go bye!" I ran inside.
"Hello, I'm one of the stewardess in the airlines, my name is Ji Yoona how may I help you?" A young lady smiled at me.

"Uh...cold water should be fine."

"And what about the miss beside you?"


I realized there was a person sleeping next to me.

"I..i don't know her sorry." I smiled at the stewardess.

"Ma'am...excuse me."

"Huh? Oh-oh yes hello!"

"Sorry to bother you ma'am but I'm Ji Yoona one of the stewardess and I'm wondering what food or drink you want?"

"Uh...I'll just have cold water thanks."

"Right. Okay I'll be back with your drinks shortly."

"Uh..hi." I tried making conversations with the girl.

"Hello there!" She smiled at me.

The girl has brown hair with slight blonde highlights.

"I'm Min Yoongi."

"Wait! You're from that boygroup right? B...BTS!"

"Yep!" I smiled.

"Eunji. Kim Eunji."

"Nice name."

"Thanks, sir?"

"Just call me Yoongi damn it."

"Okay, Yoongi."

For the rest of the plane ride it was just me talking with Eunji.

"I need my sleep. I'll see you soon I guess?"

"Sure." She smiled.
After ride. . .

"Yah! Wake up." Eunji woke me up.

"FUCK OFF I'M TRYIN-oh we've arrived?"

"Haha, yes." She laughed.


"I'll sew you soon Micha."

"Pardon? Who's...Micha? Is it the girl that-"

"Oh sorry and...yes." I lowered down my head.

"O-oh...I'm really sorry about it."

"Don't worry, its not your fault anyway." I smiled sadly at her.

We exited the airport and parted ways.

"Nice talking to you, Eunji." I smiled at her one last time.

"You too..."

"Yoongi." She smiled.

And we finally parted our ways.
I- *cries* I can't believe this is over. Thank you all so much for sticking by 'Cold' idk why you be sticking with my cringey ass story but like bruh

Idk if I'll be writing a sequel

Mostly not tho.


But thats all children

Tata for- i can't even say that now...

I guess



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