Ch. 1 Past within Present

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(Takes place when Naruto and Karma's parents are dying and just placed the eight sign seal that ties the nine tail fox)

Within a village surrounded by towering trees named Konohagakure, fire and smoke spreed across the land. The great nine tailed beast stood in the middle of it all trapped in gold glowing chains, it's finger nail piercing through a woman and mans stomach as there bodys shielded there two small children. A small boy with short red hair and mercury eyes clung to a blonde haired blue eyed baby and keep in mind this red head child could barely hold the baby in his arms as he sat on the ash covered ground trembling in shock. 3 whisker like marks were placed on both cheeks of the children from being born from the red haired woman that once held the nine tails inside her but now stood infront of them with the beasts nail in her body. The red haired child staring at his parent's with mournful glossy eyes, the beasts nail only centimeters away from his face but not close enough to cut into his skin. A small protective ring of black flames layed around the red heads shaking body, the nail turning to black ash as it past more into the circle the sorce of the flames not willing to let anything hurt its vessel while the man behind the red haired woman who also took the hit of the beasts attack to stop it from hitting there children clinched onto the beasts sharp nail harder feeling it slip and knew him and his wife needed to act now.

Kashina... i'm launching the eight sign seal now...

He breathed heavily warm blood starting to drip from his mouth. Kashina a woman with long red hair and the wife of Minato started coughing as it got harder for her to breath.


...we won't see them for awhile... "huff" so let's tell Naruto and Karma"huff"...what we want to say to them ok

(Oh and Karma is only 3 by the way and already has the 11 tail wolf sealed inside him but will get into how it happened later. Also Karma only just got the 11 tail wolf so they haven't been bonded to eachother that long meaning Karma can't use its Chakra that much)

"Huff"..."huff"...Naruto Karma don't be a picky a lot...and grow big and strong

Kushina said with a weak smile as she let out a small laugh as she looked down on her two sweat boys that she feared she'd soon have to leave.

Make sure to bathe every day... and stay warm... don't stay up late... get plenty of sleep... plus make friends... you don't need a tone... ok... just a few... that you can really trust... and your mom was bad at this but study hard... and learn your ninjutsu... respect your teachers and others... and be careful about loaning and borrowing money from others... save up for things and don't start drinking till your 21... be careful around girls and one day you're going to start noticing them and that's normal... be cautious of the ones you give your heart to... and be careful of master jiraiya y-ya know...


Kushina started to get into a coughing fit as her husband could see her grip loosen on the 9 tails huge claw that was stabbing through both their stomachs. He new he and his wife weren't going to last much longer.

In the future times are going to be tough you hear... follow your dreams... make them come true..."cough cough"

Tears soaked Kushina and Minato's faces as they looked down at there two beautiful children knowing how much they would miss them but knew they had no other choice.

I love you both so much, Karma protect Naruto and be brave there's so much more but no more time... I love you both so much...

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