Ch. 3 Kakashi sensei

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[[Hey hope you like it so far thanks for reading and staying with me for this long I'll update as often as possible. Again picture's or music do not belong to me i take no credit for them, also i do not own either anime series and I think I might of misspell blonde in some parts so sorry about that. without futher delays enjoy]]

(Karmas prov)

I started jumping roof top to roof top passing small puddles of water from the other days rain shower and started to zoned out, my hair shadowing over my eyes thinking about Naruto and the events of last night. Thats when I saw a ramen sale going on 6 packs for only half price. Maybe I'll make ramen for dinner ...make ...i should make it jezz Naruto may like any kind of ramen but I'm not eating that packaged crap I'll cook it myself. So i went out and bought all the ingredients for banshu rawmen.

Home made ramen is better than packaged ramen anyway heh Naruto's going to be so happy when I make this, he's getting sorted into teams to today so a congrats dinner from his dear big brother is in order~

(Normal prov)

Karma turning to head home he stumbled when he bumped into someone and turned around.

Watch it I've got dinner in my arms and I'd rather not have some idiot make me drop it


Kakashi? What are you doing here?

I was on my way to pick up my new team

Oh? How blessed you trully must be~

It's going to be a pain... but it's my job, plus I doubt they'll even pass so I might not even have to deal with them

Karma snickered then looking down to a book Kakashi must of dropped written on the book the title read Icha Icha. Karma bent down and opened the book reading a few paragraphs his face shifting to the devils smile (you guys know the face).

Oh whats this dirty stuff~

GIVE THat back yo-

He ran his hand threw her hair slipping his hand up her shirt feeling the wow Kakashi might have to be more careful around you hahahah... pervert~

Kakashi blushing at the new title after 20 minutes of trying to get the book away from the teen Karma dodged easily. After another minute of this and Karma drawing a crowd people who were walking by stopping to watch the scene as Karma smriked. Kakashi stopping to take a minute to breath he then looked up at Karma who had taken a break from reading and closed the book with a triumphant smirk.

Fine what do you want?

Weeeeell seeing as how I know who you'll be getting I'd love to see this new team of yours how about i tag along, it would be nice ya know... for old times sake?

 for old times sake?

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