Ch. 6 Scarlet Beauty

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(Sorry for the long wait for this next chapter but here it is, hope you like it)

(3rd prov)

Karma pushed his feet off another branch jumping to the next one and continued on through the treetops the nights wind rustling the leaves around him. A glowing light could be seen in the far distance and he could smell fire wood being burnt 350miles ahead of him. As Karma got closer he could hear voices and laughter plus the smell of slight blood and maybe a salty odor that would come from an ocean maybe on both of the people. If he got this done fast Karma could make it back home to make Naruto breakfast before heading off to meet up with Kakashi and his new team. As he listened to the two chat on and joke he got an idea and made a hand sign then poofing in a pink smook.

(Mist ninja 1 prov)

It was cold and damp out but we managed to create a small fire a good distance away from the pathetic leaf village we were to infiltrate. As for now me and a woman mist ninja I was paired with named Kay sat around a fire chatting about random sh#t.

Mist ninja guy
Ok you got me there but enough with jokes, how long do we have to wait around out here when there stupid village is right there!!!

We have orders to hang back and scout out the village in the morning while the others do there part so just wait Rei

Ugh still just us doing nothing with no chicks around is boring

I'm a chick just not one you can get with plus I'm sure you can hook up with who ever you want when ower mission's complete

Ya what ever


I snapped my head to the side as the bushes rustle and I reach for a dagger from my boot. Who the h#lls out here so far out from the village? A leaf ninja scouting the area? Could they have seen the fire, no it to small and we made sure to camp out far enough.

Come out now!!!

A-ahhhh oh sorry I was just going to take a bath in the lake that is around this area my house not being far from it makes having baths nice but I seem to be lost, oh and sorry I'm also interrupt you two aren't I~

A beautiful girl with sholder long red hair and light pink brown eyes stood infront of us in nothing but a towel a worried expression on her face.

A beautiful girl with sholder long red hair and light pink brown eyes stood infront of us in nothing but a towel a worried expression on her face

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(What the girl looks like but not with the necklace and is wearing a towel)

How old are you, you look kinda young to be out here alone

Red hair girl
Oh ya I get that alot but I'm actually 20 totally legal~


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