014- friday night pt. 5

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//A/N: it's 1:30 in the morning. and i don't care so i'm gonna write.// Also i added a song to try it. and i like it so yeah//
We pull up and park.
"Everyone got everything you all need?" Wyatt asks
"Yup" everyone says together
We all grab all our carry-ins and sneak water bottles in Wyatt's backpack for Finn and walk up to the entrance.
Everyone but Wyatt gets across the security.
"Can we check your bag first before you enter the park?" Asks a security man.
"Sure" wyatt says handing over his backpack.
They grab his bag and check it- in & out.
"I'm sorry we don't allow carry-ins"
"It's just water"
"Boy, I said no carry-ins. You get me?"
"Okay okay"
The man takes all the water bottles and throws them in a near-by trash can.
*Wyatt joins us.
"So now what're we gonna do when Finn needs water and there's not a water fountain near by?" Jack asks worriedly
"I guess we'll just have to go with it" Chosen says
We walk along and go on rides for 1 and a half hours. It's not that busy of a night- surprising because it's like the third week of summer.
We all meet up to eat at a food cart.
-eating pretzels & slushies & water.
"Here, Finn, drink this" I say holding a water bottle out in his face.
"Thank you!" He says grabbing the bottle and chugging it down.
"Hey, Hazel? Can I get another?"
"Yeah, of course!"
"Thanks babe"
I smile and turn away to get another water bottle.
"Here ya go" I say turning back around handed Finn the bottle.
"Hey, where'd everyone go?" I ask, looking around.
"Bathroom. They wanted to go because we're gonna leave and go on rides as soon as I'm done."
"Oh. Do you think you're gonna be fine going on another ride?" I ask- considering he puked after the last ride.
"Yeah. I dunno." "Should I sit 'em out?"'
"I mean. If you want to. Or we could just go on easy rides."
"I'll just stick around by you guys and if I don't feel like going on some I'll just wait."
"Aww, I'm gonna miss you!" I say holding his hand.
"It's fine. I don't think you want the risk of me puking on you"
"True." "Why the fuck were you even on the spinning cups ride?"
"I don't know."
"Ooh, I know a pretty chill ride that'd be great!"
"Yeah and what's that?"
"The Whizzer"
"Ok. I'll try it. But I'm gonna go to the bathroom first."
He walks off and now I'm alone. Jesus Christ, how long are the bathroom lines.
Then this group of guys just sit down at our picnic table.
"Hey there mamiii" says one of them looking me up and down.
"Ew shut the fuck up!"
"Ooh, a girl with words."
"I said shut the fuck up- and leave me alone."
"I don't think I can do that" he softly says in a low voice, moving over closer to me.
"Get away!" I say, scooting to the edge of the bench going on my phone to occupy myself with a game.
"Oh honey you can't resist" he says
I just get up and start fast-walking towards the bathrooms. But just as I near the girl's room my arm gets yanked on and I'm pulled over against some wall. There's no one around. It looks to be some place behind a building. But it's too dark to see much and sounds like a generator is near.
"why so scared?"
"what?! do you not realize what you're doing?! you fucking-" my mouth gets covered by his hand.
"Shh, shh, shhhh" he kisses my neck and cheek
I try to squirm out of his grab- but it's no use- my noodle arms against muscles.
He starts to tug on my shirt but gets knocked to the ground- Finn.
"FINN!" I say, yanking on him while he punches this guy on the ground.
"Finn stop. Just walk away."
"No he was gonna fucking rape you!"
"Just stop. You're already kinda roughed up. And I don't want this to be big."
"Just back off"
"I said, BACK OFF!"
I've never seen him so mad.
I locate Sophia first.
"OH MY GOD, SADIE!! Come here, NOW!"
"Ok, ok, what is it?!" She says as I pull on her arm.
We turn the corner- seeing Finn pressed against the ground, getting punched.
Wyatt, Chosen, and Gaten run up and pry them apart while Me and Jack hug each other tightly, Layla hugging us- comforting both of us.
Noah runs back over by us with an ice bag.
"Here. Put this on your face" he hands him the ice bag while Chosen and Gaten hold the guy up against the wall.
"Don't come near us." Wyatt says, standing in front of him.
"And don't talk to us either!" Jaeden says
"You think so?" The guy says
**Chosen punches him
"Shut up unless you want another"
"Fine. Whatever. Just let me go."
"Now get your sick ass out of here!" Gaten yells at him as he runs away. "Pussy."
"GATEN!" We all say
"What? He ran away. What a man."
"Let's just leave this place." I say as we all head back over to the picnic table.
Finn: "Let's just go on one more ride. I want to have this night end in a good way."
Chosen: "Sure. Where to?"
Finn: "the whizzer?"
Chosen: "sounds good. Let's go"
We walk together to the ride. Staying close to each other. -Jack not keeping a distance from Finn. Me holding Finn's hand tightly. And everyone just close by.
We get in line and figure out who's going to share a cart with who.
We wait in line and then finally get to the end of the line- upstairs where the train waits.
"Oh shoot. I forgot this ride makes you sit on the persons lap who you're riding with." I say
**Layla looks at me
"Hazel, no. I can't."
"Yeah you can. C'mon you like him don't you?"
"Well yeah..."
"Just do it."

//A/N: idk what those things r called- u know those bars that separate the ppl waiting to go on a ride. So like the bars line the ppl up with the seat they're going in. And like it's locked and then opens when the ppl r able to board the ride. -well that's what the dividers is cuz idk what they're called//

We line up in the dividers and wait for the train to come back around for us.
"I mean it Hazel. What do I do, he's not gonna back out." She whispers while leaning close to me so that he can't hear- since he and Finn are literally right next to us.
"I'm doing it. -so you can too."
"Well you guys are dating"
The gates open and we all walk out to our seats- Layla just looks at me.
(I sit between Finn's legs. Layla sits on top of Jack. Sophia sits on Chosen. Jaeden sits on Wyatt. And Noah sits on Gaten.)
The night air and breeze of the ride rushing through the trees in the dark is so calming to me.
(The ride eventually ends and we all get off.)
Wyatt: "So, time we get back?"
Noah: "yeah probably"
Finn: "yeah and I just want to crash already"
Jaeden: "anyone up for some games?"
Sophia: "isn't it like 4 in the morning right now?"
Layla: "yeah"

//A/N: lmao I'm pretty sure six flags actually closes at like 10pm, but just go with it😂😂//

We all walk out of the park and get in the car.
Me, Layla, Finn, and Jack all sit in the back row together- me on the outside against the window. Layla on the other outside- Jack next to her and Finn next to me in the middle.
Jaeden turns on the radio, Chosen, Gaten, and Jaeden having a singing session, Wyatt randomly singing the lyrics out of nowhere really loudly.
As all that's happening Finn's head falls to my shoulder and I eventually fall asleep.

//A/N: gonna end it there. sry i'm not a good writer. this probably sucks i'm sry i'm not good with form or writing methods or whatever. i just thought of a story and wanted to write it and now it's kinda just taking its own form. so yeah hope u guys aren't bored 😂//

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