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(Chapter Two)

"Please, Kara. Please don't. I'm going to make my move and then you are going to win. Please just let me win this time!" Sam whined. A look flashed across Kara's face, Sam recognised this and laughed.


"You have terrible Poker-face." Sam placed down her cards and laughed again.

"Pick up four?" Kara groaned and grabbed four cards from the deck. "Now the game is going to just keep going!"

"We both have five cards now. It's back to square one." Sam giggled but the giggling only got louder until tears were streaming down her face with joy. She calmed down when Kara stood and asked where she was going.

"Lena's here." Kara opened the door and smiled. "Hey!"

"Kara..." Lena was shaking and crying. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to do this!" Sam tensed and stepped forward so she was next to Kara. When Lena saw her friend, she broke down in sobs and dropped the gun that she had been holding behind her.

"What the hell?" Sam picked up the gun and felt nauseous the moment she touched it. "Kara, it's Kryptonite." Kara wasn't paying attention to Sam though. She was more focused on her girlfriend.

"Are you okay?" Kara said, grabbing her arm and leading her to the couch. "What was that about?"

"I'm sorry, Kara. Mother... she... she sent me a video last night. It was from before she died and it said that if I don't kill you..." Lena stopped speaking and went completely silent, now just staring at the ground, still crying.

"It's okay, just calm down. Everything will be okay." Kara tried to reassure the troubled brunette but all it did was make her more upset.

"No, it won't. Cadmus is still out there and they are going to kill every alien if I don't kill you."

"How are they going to kill all of the aliens?"

"With the virus!" Kara stood and took off, heading for the DEO. She hadn't gotten far when she heard a loud blast behind her. She followed the sound, it took her back to the apartment above hers. She saved everyone in the apartment that blew up and then she landed in her own loft.

"What just happened?" Lena wiped away her tears, staring at the figure behind Kara. The superhero turned and before she could react, a noise went off. Kara looked down and saw nothing but red. When she looked up, the only thing she saw was a Luthor's grin before her vision went cloudy and she fell to her knees.

Alex paced the halls of the DEO, every so often, she would check in to see how the surgeons were doing but every time she asked, they were just trying to stop the bleeding. Finally, they wheeled out the pale, stone cold woman.

"Maggie?" Alex took her hand and kissed it. "Please just fight." She whispered, grabbing her phone and noticing the seven voicemails from Lena. She dialled Lena's number, praying for her to pick up and almost fainted at the sound she heard on the other end of the line.

Screaming, the most prominent thing she could hear but she blocked that out to listen to Lena frantically trying to string together a coherent sentence. After a few attempts, Lena finally said words that made sense together. "She's not breathing!" Alex jumped up, leaving her ex in the Medbay and running to where J'onn was finishing off paperwork.

"J'onn, you need to help Kara. I'm not sure what happened but I think she's hurt or something and you have to go to her!" Alex cried. J'onn flew straight from his seat to Kara's apartment. 

"Is everything okay?" She said when he landed at Kara's apartment. There were three girls, drinking wine and watching a movie.

"Yeah, J'onn, what... what are you doing here?" Kara smiled and downed the rest of her wine.

"Alex said you were hurt." He walked to the girls and sighed. "You guys are okay?" They all nodded and looked at each other. "I'm going to go back to the DEO." He flew away, unaware that what he had just seen wasn't real, it was just an illusion set by a psychic.

Lena started to panic, wondering why J'onn had just landed at the window and then flew off a few moments later. She kept her hands on Kara's wound until the man who shot Kara picked Lena up by the collar and threw her at a wall. She groaned, trying to get up but failing. Her eyes were closed but she was conscious, the only thought running through her mind now was to get Kara out of here.

The previously almost dead blonde was now awake, staring up at her shooter. She stood slowly and stared the tall bald man in the eye.

Kara clutched her stomach. Blood soaked her suit and covered her hands. She tried to fly but found that the Kryptonite had now weakened her to the point where she now didn't have her powers. She was defenceless.

"Lex!" Lena yelled from her place on the ground. She was still frightened as her brother had suddenly appeared out of nowhere but she couldn't let him hurt Kara. "Don't do this!" He turned, losing focus of the blonde for just the right amount of time for Sam to run at him from behind and knock him out. "Get Kara out of here," Lena ordered.

"I can't. The Kryptonite, it weakens me too. I can't fly." Sam dropped down next to Kara, who was trying to keep her eyes open. She suddenly felt a rush of energy and power, picking Kara up bridal style and taking her away from the Kryptonite. She whispered one thing in her ear before feeling her go limp. "Please just fight."

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