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(Chapter Four)

Lena's Calling

Kara picked up the phone, expecting to hear her girlfriend's chirpy voice but instead, she heard cries and a grim voice. "I'm sorry, Kara. I can't be with you."

"What?" Kara paused trying to think of what might be wrong. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

"I just... can't be with you. It might sound cliche but you have to know it has nothing to do with you. I just can't date you, it's for the best, it's for your safety." Kara finally realised, when Lena said 'for your safety' what was happening.

"What are you talking about?" Kara kept up the charade, figuring out Lena's code and tone of voice quickly. "You can't break up with me, we've been through too much together."

"I have to go. I'm sorry." Lena repeated and hung up. Although Kara had figured out that Lena was obviously putting on a show for someone, she still felt like she had just been dumped. Lena was an amazing actress. Kara smiled when she felt Lena relax, so she did too.

"I love you." She whispered.

Alex was completely unaware of two things. She didn't know that Sara had seen her kiss Maggie and Sara wanted to keep it that way until she knew the whole story. She also didn't know that Kara and Sara had already met... under terrible circumstances. Alex was serving out the last of dinner while her girlfriend and sister were exchanging petty looks at the table.

"So, it's nice to meet you, Kara!" Sara scowled. Kara rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the death stares she was getting.

"You know, wouldn't it be better to tell Alex the truth instead of her thinking we don't know each other?"

"She will hate it when she finds out that we nearly killed each other, and still want to." Sara thought for a moment. "We could make up a story."

"Maybe tell her that we just fought alongside each other during the invasion."

"Yeah, instead of you being on the Dominators side."

"I wasn't on their..." Kara yelled but stopped herself before she raised her voice too loud. "I wasn't on their side." She repeated with her voice low.

"Sure you weren't," Sara whispered, then smiled when Alex arrived back at the dining table.

"What are you two whispering about?" Alex sat down and looked at the two.

"Just the time we first met," Kara said, glaring at Sara. She gave the blonde a knowing look before finishing for her.

"During the dominators invasion, when Kara came to our Earth to help. She was introduced to all of us, then we fought alongside each other." Sara repeated Kara's earlier phrase, letting her know she was on board with the whole facade. Kara suddenly thought of Sam and the reason she attacked J'onn, or who she thought was Kara.

"She's lying, Alex. We weren't going to tell you, but we fought. The first time we met was a fight between the Legends and me. I fought alongside the Legends but somehow we were pitted against each other, it ended in me almost killing Sara." Alex scoffed and stood from the table.

"When I said that I was dating Sara, all you said was that you were glad I was dating again. You never once mentioned that you almost killed her."

"Alex, listen..."

"No, you listen, Kara. Why is it so hard for you to tell the truth? Why do you preach love and hope but hurt so many people?" Kara couldn't believe what Alex was saying. Neither could Alex, she didn't mean anything she said. In reality, Alex was shocked by the news but not this mad. Alex tried to fight back against whatever was forcing her to shout at her sister but she couldn't. After a few minutes, Alex tried to speak again to tell Kara she didn't mean it but she couldn't. "I have to go." She said finally and stormed out.

Kara sat on her couch, unsure of what to do. Alex had just gone off at her, unprovoked. Lena was going to be... missing... for a few days before Kara was allowed to do anything about it. A knock startled her from her thoughts, she tried to use her x-ray vision but she couldn't see through the tears. She reluctantly stood and walked to open the door, closing it again as soon as she saw who was standing there.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Please, Kara. Just let me in. I just wanted to see how you were." Sam smiled slightly as Kara opened the door again with a hurt look on her face.

"If you try anything..." Kara warned, making Sam regret coming to see her friend. "Sorry, I am on edge all of the time."

"It's okay." Sam pulled her in for a hug. Kara pulled away and walked to sit back on the couch. "I need you to know that what I said was wrong. You are one of the most trustworthy people I know and I can't bear the thought of hurting you. I am so sorry."

"Sam, I get it. I was affected by Red K once. It made me completely loopy but the thing I remember the most is the pain of thinking people will fear you afterwards. Everything is going to be okay. I understand now that there were better options to defeat Cadmus than to pretend to die. Now Cadmus is still out there and Rao knows what they're planning ne..."

"I'm going to stop you right there and just let you know now." Sam put a hand to her mouth and tears threatened to fall. She held them back and moved her hand. "Cadmus has Lena."

"I know."

"Alex? What the hell are you doing here?" Lena whispered, trying not to alarm the guards and let them know she's not on their side.

"I didn't exactly come willingly, did I?" Alex whispered back, struggling in the restraints. "The last thing I remember is yelling at Kara. Oh, God! She probably thinks I hate her! What if she's in trouble?" Alex ranted. "If she get's hurt..."

"She's okay. I promise." Lena stood back up, Alex gave her a knowing look. "Now you are going to watch as we, Cadmus, destroy the entire city." Lena scared herself with her 'evil voice'. She could feel that Kara was upset about something and she is the underlying reason. Cadmus forced Lena to use their new technology and mind control Alex, they made Lena make Alex give Kara a lecture and then storm out. Then they kicked Lena out of the room and now here they were.

"You'll never get away with this!" Alex yelled at the man in the chair behind Lena. He was under a hoodie so she didn't know who it was but when he turned, she recognised him immediately from when she went to Earth 1.

"Oh, Alex. We already have."


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