The Base

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*Sara's P.O.V*

Our date was going great. We were walking around town and talking. We had stopped to get hotdogs.

"Uh, Hidan."

"What?" He took a bite.

"You look gay." I said as I took a bite.

"You look like a whore."

"I'm a girl. It's natural."

"Whatever." He took another bite

"So where are we going now?"

"To the base."

"What? Why?"

"Your brother hired us to protect you and the bitch until the Kira case is over."

"What.?! No, I'm going back t help him."

Hidan sighed. "Forgive me."

"What-" I felt a pain on the back of my head and the world faded into darkness.

*Hidan's P.O.V*

I really didn't want to knock her out, but I had no choice. I picked her up and carried her to the base.

~A hour later~

I had finally gotten to the base. I walked into Itachi's room and saw a girl sitting on the bed.

"You must be the bitch."

"You must be the jackass. Let me guess...Hidan?"

"Yeah. This is yours." I handed her Sara and walked off.

*Kali's P.O.V*

I felt Sara start to wake up. I poked her.


She jumped awake. "What the fuck?!"

"Hi!" I smiled.


"Wow, you sound just like your boyfriend."

"Oh hush."

Itachi waked in. "Alright, we are all in the front room. Come in there so we can introduce ourselves."

We walked in and saw all ten members sitting down.

Itachi stood up. "Alright, when I call your name, stand up."

(A/N: I'm writing descriptions of most of them. I'm bored x3)

"What is this? Elementry school?" I mumbled and sat on Tobi's lap.

"Hush." Itachi said. "As you both know, I'm Itachi."

"Makeup guy. Yes, we know."

"It's not makeup.! Anyway, Kisame." Fishy-chan stood up.

"Sasori." The redhead stood up. "He makes and controls puppets."

"Deidara." The blonde stood up. "Kali has already met him. Sara, beware of his hands."

She blinked. "That's a boy?"

Deidara looked pissed off. "YES!"

"Tobi." Tobi stood up with me in his arms.

"Tobi's a good boy!"

"Tobi's going to be a dead boy if he drops me." He quickly sat down.

"Konan." The only girl besides us stood up.

"You're so pretty!" Sara said.

"Thank you!" Konan smiled.

(A/N: Unlike most fan fics, I'm NOT making Konan a bitch c:)

"Pein the leader." A dude with like a hundred piercings stood up.

"Hidan." The jackass stood up.



"Anyways! Zetsu." The plant guy stood up and his black half asked if he could eat us.

"No.! Kakuzu." A guy with green eyes and a mask stood up. "Alright, that's it."

"Which one is yours and which is Hidan's?" Kakuzu asked Itachi.

"Excuse me! I'm L's."

"That one is Kali," he pointed at me, "And Hidan's is Sara."

"Well then!" Sara said.

"So are there teams or something?"

"Yes. There's Kisame and I, Pein and Konan, Kakuzu and Hidan, Sasori and Deidara, Tobi, and Zetsu are alone cos Zetsu eats people and no one likes Tobi."

"Well that's mean! If it's okay with Tobi, I'll be on his team."

"Of course, Kali-chan!!" He hugged me.

"Fine. Sara can be with Hidan and Kakuzu."

"Alright." She smiled evilly. "I have some revenge to get." Hidan looked scared.

"Alright. We head to the new base tomorrow. Kali and Sara, you will share a room until then." Pein said.

"Okay!" We all headed to our rooms and went to sleep.

Tomorrow will be a long day.


Not that long, I know, but at least it's updated .-.

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