Part 2

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"Hello? Earth to Yoongi?" Hoseok waves a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, what were we talking about?" My cheeks go hot as I look from him to Namjoon, who are both staring at me.

"We were talking about how you've zoned out about five times in the last five minutes," Hoseok laughs and leans back against the pale green wall of his bedroom.

"Are you alright?" Namjoon asks.

I shake my head. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. "You just shook your head while saying 'yeah'."

"Well done for noticing that, you genius. This is why you're the only one out of the three of us at university!" I give him a round of applause and he rolls his eyes at my weak sarcastic jab.

"Come on, just tell us what's up," Hoseok says.

I shake my head again. Telling them that the reason I keep zoning out is because I'm daydreaming about that one boy from the playground would be beyond humiliating.

"You're thinking about a guy, aren't you?" Hoseok asks slyly.

My poker face fails me and I find myself smiling for no reason, causing Hoseok to go nuts.

"AHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT!" He yells while shaking me by the shoulders. "TELL US TELL US TELL US!"

"Shut up, Hoseok!" I try to push him off. "Namjoon, help me!" But Namjoon just laughs.

I realise I have no hope in calming Hoseok until I tell him at least one detail, so I give in to his persistent shaking.

"Okay, okay. I just saw this guy when I was at the playground with Holly. That's all."

Hoseok stops shaking me and instead starts bouncing around his room in some kind of crazed dance.

"Hoseok, you're eighteen, man. Act like it," Namjoon says, causing Hoseok to stop dancing and plop himself back down on the floor with us.

"So what happened?" He asks eagerly.

"Nothing. I just saw him sitting on the swings watching us, we made eye contact, he left. End of story."

Hoseok seems highly unsatisfied with my recount.

"And that was it?" Namjoon sighs.

I want to stop this conversation, my mouth moves against my will to make me say: "He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

Hoseok bursts into fits of not-eighteen-year-old-like giggles and Namjoon smiles.

"What did he look like?" Namjoon asks.

If my cheeks get any hotter I think they might actually catch on fire. "Nothing... he looked like nothing... it doesn't matter... I don't know why I said anything..." I mumble, mentally kicking myself for calling him 'beautiful' in front of them.

"Well, maybe he could inspire you to finally write some lyrics," Namjoon suggests, which I pray is the end of the conversation.

The main reason Namjoon, Hoseok and I are friends is because of our passion for music. Namjoon loves rapping, he's so good I don't know why he's not famous yet. And he's always writing incredibly deep and meaningful lyrics- Hoseok and I have no idea how he does it. I spend my time free-styling on my piano and sometimes putting what I compose with Namjoon's lyrics, and Hoseok is almost constantly dancing and he's also into singing and rapping. Music is what brought us together when we were in high school and it's what maintains our friendship now that we've graduated.

Thankfully the focus is taken off me as the other two start discussing the most beautiful people they've ever seen (Namjoon says some guy at his university that he's too shy to talk to, Hoseok says Namjoon's twin sister, earning him a punch in the shoulder) and we spend the next couple of hours just chatting. I slip in and out of the conversation a few times, which they don't fail to notice.

"Surely that dude couldn't have been so beautiful that you need to keep zoning out on us, Yoongz," Hoseok says in annoyance.

"Sorry. You're right, he left so quick he was probably just a figment of my imagination."

"That could be why you think he's so beautiful. Because he was gone so quick," Namjoon says, and Hoseok and I look at him questioningly. "Like a firework, you know? People are like 'oh wow that's so beautiful!' because they can only see it for a moment. It could be the same for people too. He disappeared quickly like a firework which made him all the more beautiful."

"Bro, could you stop songwriting for literally one second?" I tease. "I should probably be going now anyway."

Peter would've gotten home by now, and I need to make sure Holly's okay. She always is, but with all that he's done, I can't help but worry.

"Gonna tell your parents how great today's lecture was?" Hoseok chuckles.

"I have no idea how you've been fooling them that you go to university for half a year. Don't they know that you didn't have the money and they didn't pay for it?" Namjoon asks.

"I told them I got a scholarship, remember? I'm smart about these things, Joon." I shrug.

"Why can't you just tell them you have a job? They'd be happy!" Hoseok says for what seems like the millionth time.

Letting Peter know I have money would be the most stupid idea in the universe.

"Nah they wouldn't," I lie blatantly to my best friend. "They really wanted me to go to university. See you guys." I leave before we can talk about this any more.

"See you behind the counter tomorrow, then," Hoseok calls as I close the door behind me.

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