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This run-in was around the ~150 years he was just in the other plane. Ankou, the King of the Underworld, had two children. The female one, Nocturna, used to roam the plane where the specials lived, as she was very intrigued on what the technocracy had done, and how the rules the of other reins would work for them. Even though special, there are souls there and those have to go to one of the final destinations. At some point she met Carolvs, and he was blown by this powerful, haughty woman. He started courting her and she corresponded to him. She knew all the bad things he had done before, but being who she was only helped get her interested in this strange breed of vampire.

But being mages his go-to interest, he fell in love with this mage which resembled Elena so much. Nocturna felt betrayed, as she had never felt like this for no one before. She was heartbroken and Ankou grew irate at Carolvs, as he had hurt his little girl. Ankou decided to punish Carolvs’ sins and take him to the underworld in body and soul. So he sent his best reapers to drag him to the well and drop him there. He thought it would be an ironic punishment as he had just been saved from the depths of the ocean.

What he didn’t realize is that Carolvs had learned so much vampire lore during his little time as a vampire, as he was eager for knowledge. There was this legend that told the cursed blood from his specific clan had a special ability, as it could damage immaterial beings like reapers. No one had tested it, though, but he saw this as his only chance. When he was delivered to Ankou, he read his judgement and the guards knocked him cold, then threw him to the well. The souls trapped in the well are held there by the vacuum of a mäelstrom, and they cannot escape.

Since Carolvs was transported to this dimension after the sinking incident, when he woke up he was swirling around the mäelstrom and close to the point of no return. He used up all his superhuman strength to swim away and managed to escape the well. Then he took a little time to recover while he thought his next move. He decided to use one of his weapons as some guards were closing on him and cut himself with it, so it would be covered with his blood and readied for the combat to come. When he swung the first hit, it made contact and actually cut through the guard, so he kept using this tactic to battle his way out of the underworld.

It took a lot of blood and a lot of fighting to actually reach the gates, and then he used the little strength he had to break the padlock and escape. What he didn’t realize is that (according to his description) the bridge that connects those three realms has the 3 suns, one for each realm, orbiting it. It was traumatic, and he thought the aggravated damage he was receiving from the suns would certainly kill him. He used this willpower to activate the high-speed ability with the little blood he had left, and was able to cross the bridge back into his own realm. He landed on a forest, where he used a different ability to merge with the earth and rested, falling into a lethargy that lasted years.

When he woke up from his lethargy, he had become a legend as he was the first one to escape the underworld, and he became the personal target of Ankou. He kept sending wave after wave of reapers to take him back to the underworld, but this allowed Carolvs to perfect his combat technique against the reapers using blood magic and so his fame grew. After many years, Ankou stopped actively trying to hunt him and started devising different approaches to take him down. But this feud came to a stalemate as Carolvs, being so cunning and clever, never allowed himself to be captured and eventually Ankou stopped sending forces after him.

Who is this Carolvs guy? He doesn’t fit the usual description of a vampire. I would like to be able to contact him, and interview him. I would feel so honored to be able to, as I understand from the documents I have he has not been hunt down, he should be still alive, although I don’t know if he has a vessel at this moment. If for some reason you’re reading this, Carolvs, please contact me.

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