Beware the Jinx

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Eleven Years Later:

"Hurry up Tori!" Peter yelled to his sister as they ran through the streets of Queens, dodging people, and trying to hold on to the cash they had 'borrowed' from a store. He chanced a glance behind him and saw Tori on his heels. With a sigh of relief he turned into an alleyway making several sharp turns before looking behind him again. His sister was still behind him, but so was the store manager. He doesn't look to happy, Peter thought as he ran faster to avoid coming into contact with the bat the manager was wildly swinging at them.

After a few more sharp turns, bursts of energy, and back alleyways the siblings finally were able to rest. Peter counted up the money to make sure none was dropped in the getaway. He beamed at Tori when he realized that they had gotten away with over $500, she did not return the smile.

"Hey Pete, umm... where are we?" She asked looking to her brother. Peter looked around noticing that they had reached a dead-end back alley. He was knew most of Queens by heart but he couldn't quite remember where they were or how to get back to their camp. Something did strike him as familiar to him though. It was important, but what was it?

Suddenly it dawned on him. He grabbed the cash and Tori's arm. In a hurried whisper he told her, "we have to leave. This is her territory." He saw the momentary confusion in her eyes before she realized who he meant. Then she gave a small gasp and gathered up her share of the money. Right as they were about to leave Peter heard her give a small scream. When he turned he saw that she was looking at the dark corner of the alley, where a pair of green eyes was looking back at her. Eyes so jade-like that they could only belong to one person. Oh no, he thought when a cat-like smile curled underneath the eyes.

"Run!" He yelled to Tori. They spun on their heels and sprinted towards the street. Where they ran head first into the store manager and two police officers. The thieves Peter and Tori Jones were caught red handed.

In the police car on the way to the station overheard his sister mutter under her breath "Jinx will pay for this."

Jinx had just finished pawning off some phony Rollex watches and went back to her alleyway to store her money and rest. There she knew that she wouldn't be bothered. Her reputation of being a jinx to others had grown over the years. Other thieves, regular citizens, and even the cops were scare of her. Sure they used her as the butt of their jokes and an excuse for their misfortunes but they all knew where she was yet she never was arrested.

Jinx's eyes just started to droop when she heard someone come up her alley, two someone's to be exact. She watch the boy count up a good some of money, her own count suggested $500, while the girl fought her looked around the alleyway. She knew them, the Jones siblings. They were new on the scene but had a growing reputation though Jinx thought most of their success was pure luck. The older one, Peter, was good with numbers and plans and the other, Victoria, was a decent grifter and good at avoiding cameras. However by the looks of it they were still having trouble with the getaways. Jinx couldn't help but smile when Victoria screamed when she realized Jinx was watching them. The pair ran so fast that they didn't even notice the police waiting at the end of the alley until they practically ran them over.

"Still scaring the fresh meat I see." A boy said as he turned into the alley. Jinx smiled and looked into his deep brown eyes. He laughed as the siblings were hauled off, which show off his perfect teeth and flipped his short brown hair. Jinx cursed herself for her lingering eyes and girlish heart flutter. Not only was he nearly two years older than her, but he was Jack. Jack the boy that showed her all the ropes when she was young and the only one who didn't leave her because of her supposed jinxes.

"I didn't do anything. They just ran and didn't watch where they were going." She said hoping he didn't catch her staring.

"Of course they ran. You are an amazing thief who has the whole city on its knees, you replicas are better than any I've ever seen, and you could charm a blind man into buying a picture. Speaking of which... How was the turnover today." He smiled greedily flashing those brilliant teeth.

Typical Jack, she thought, always thinking about the job. She pulled out the money she got from earlier that day. "Kind of slow." She told him handing over the cash. "Only got a couple grand."

"A couple grand selling watches? Sounds like a good day to me." Jack said already envisioning what the money could be used for. "This could come in handy for tomorrow's celebration."

Jinx slid down the wall folding her legs under her. "Don't remind me." She whispered shaking her head. She did not want to remember what tomorrow was.

"Aw come on." Jack said kneeling next to her. "It's the big one this year, the one all girls look forward to."

"Well not me."

"But it's your sweet sixteen it'll be fun." Jack assured her placing his hand on her shoulder.

"My birthday is not a day I care for." Jinx snapped on him, then she added softly, "it's they day the world was jinxed according to the masses."

Jack pulled her towards him. "Well the masses a just made up of stupid people anyway. Plus jinxes can be really cool sometimes." She gave a half hearted laugh. Suddenly he sprang up pulling Jinx with him. "It's decided, now that you're older and obviously talented you'll start real jobs. No more selling fake watches to unsuspecting tourist."

Jack could see Jinx's eyes light up. "Really?"

"Yeah, you've got talent. If you didn't why would I be here, except for those beautiful eyes of course." He touched her cheek then turned to leave. Right before her turned the corner he looked back at the girl standing in the alley and said with a wink "rest up. We have a big day tomorrow." With that he was gone.


What does Jack have planned? Who knows.  

Tell me what you think the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thanks to everyone who commented on the earlier parts. And before you ask torigurl499, yes Tori was named after you but no the character is not based on you and may or may not make a reappearance.

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