What you are Today

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It was late in the morning. The sun's rays had already made the pavement hot, so hot that it burned and stuck to her cheek. Jinx sat up, unsure for a moment why she had slept in so late. Usually, she was up and completed a couple of jobs by this time. She felt a slight pain of something hard sticking into her scalp, the hair clip.

The hair clip that Jack had given her for her birthday. Suddenly, all the events of the previous night came back to her in a rush. The empty warehouse, the cake, and... and Jack. Memories of whispered words and phantom touches made pricks of tears come to her eyes and a lump form in her throat.

Jinx steadied herself, collecting her emotions. Sounds of the city came from the end of the alley pulling her back to reality. She was Jinx, the thief, grifter, and con that everyone feared. She was blamed for things that she had no part in and always got away with the things she did. Nothing could change that. Not a night and not a boy, not even if that boy is Jack.

Changing quickly Jinx made her way out into the world. Staying in the shadows to avoid detection, she made her way to the place Jack had told her about. The place where the next chapter of her thieving life would start.

In the old part of town where the buildings are crumbling and the homeless gather, is an old orphanage. It was shut down years ago, supposedly to build a new community center. However, a community center never came. Instead the old building aged with the rest of the town, forgotten by all those that had enough money and sense to stay away. It was here in the remnants of the place that the city's aspiring criminals gathered.

In the orphanage thieves and cons could get word of larger jobs. Older people could see and recruit fresh blood while other children could make allies that lasted well into adulthood. Most importantly the old city was an information hub. No police ever patrolled the streets so news of recent jobs and those who completed them could spread freely. It was in this manner that the news of the Jones siblings arrest was passed. Years ago, it was here that the rumors of the young prodigy named Jinx were first spread.

Jinx looked around at the town. The pavement was cracked and trash littered the sidewalk. At first glance the place looked empty but Jinx could feel the presence of people lurking in the shadows. Walking up to the orphanage she felt a strange sense of admiration for the place. In a way, this place made her what she is today.

Inside was a completely different place from the rest of the town. The place was filled with people from as old as mid twenties down to seven or eight, all clumped into small groups. Conversation of a variety of topics were going on in some while others studied the large bullion boards covered with handmade flyers and formal job requests. Jinx couldn't help the small smile creeping to her lips.

As she walked through the rooms a hush fell over the others. It was not silent, instead the conversations switched to whispers about her. Rumors about her past successes and those things that Jinx was blamed for. Really, how could one sixteen year old girl cause someone to develop stage three breast cancer? These rumors were nothing new to Jinx, they have been around her her entire life. She stifled a laugh at the insanity of some of the accusations but kept her indifferent façade as she walked through the building.

Jinx stopped in the doorway of the third minute bedroom at the top of the stairs. There sitting on an old, discarded mattress was Jack. He was facing away from her, his arm around a blonde girl. The girl was about nineteen years old and giggling at something Jack had whispered in her ear. Jinx couldn't help the sudden flush that came about her as she saw the two. It's not as if she had never seen Jack with a girl before, and there was nothing now that would stop him from having his arm around anyone he pleased. Still it gave Jinx a sense of satisfaction when she knocked on the wall causing the pair to jump in surprise.

"Oh, Jinx you're here. I was wondering if you would show." Jack said not bothering to get up off his seat.

"Why wouldn't I?" Jinx was taken aback by the frailty in place of the usual confidence in her voice. Why did he have to look at her like that? It kept reminding her of that look right before... before the indecent.

"No reason." Jinx didn't miss his smirk as he let his words trail off. The blonde gave a cough obviously not happy with being ignored. "Yes, well this is Emily. A fence and my source for incoming jobs. Emily, this is Jinx, I'm sure you know of her."

"Of course, who hasn't heard of the slippery little Jinx causing a ruckus in the city?" Emily said as she eyed up Jinx, who in turn eyed up her. After a moments silence Emily added, "is it true you gave the Senator's wife cancer?"

Jinx just smiled. She learned long ago that there was no use correcting people, they would continue to believe what they wanted, and any attempt she made they would take as proof in her favor. Emily' eyes narrowed, clearly not happy with her lack of response.

Turning to Jack Emily whispered loudly enough that Jinx could clearly hear her. "Are you sure she can do this? I don't like to waste my time on little kids."

Jack whisper something in return, but Jinx could only make out one word, 'plan'. Whatever he said Emily seemed satisfied. She called out, "Fine then. If you're really as good as your reputation says you are, then you won't mind one little test." Jinx remained silent.


Okay, so I know it has been a long time since I updated this story, but I haven't forgotten about it. However, with my grandfather in the hospital and life's surprises I haven't had the time. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.

To anyone who reads this story, I need your help. Jinx is getting into some real jobs now and I need some ideas. The more suggestions I get the faster I can write the next chapter. Post your ideas below or message me. Any who help out will get the chapter dedicated to them and a character based on you that will make an appearance. Please help and thanks in advance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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