(Oneshot) Sleepover

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Notes: FUN FACT! This was originally Copied here from my other book whic I won't name because it's kind of old. Just a regular Romeo x Reader

Your P.O.V

Lost. Where the heck am I? Hi, my name's (Y/N), I am walking around the middle of the forest at night, trying to find my way home. The moon has only just started rising in the sky so the night had just begun. I could just build a shelter but I could swear that I'm close to home. I live out in the woods because I wanted a break after the whole adventuring with my friends Jesse and Petra. We were all close but we eventually had to go our separate ways. Petra went off adventuring, Jesse stayed behind to keep running BeaconTown and I left to go back to my old house to live in peace. To be fair, our last adventure was the first time I met a guy I was attracted to. I've never been one for romance, mainly because of my fear of heartbreak and never finding the right person, but then I met this guy...Romeo the Admin. It may sound strange, especially because he tried to kill us, but he was actually not so bad. Even though he tried to trick Jesse into becoming his "Champion", then when he refused, took Petra instead, and then tried to kill us all, he was just alone...and that sucks. I use to live alone for a long time before I met Jesse and Petra so I know what it's like and I don't blame Romeo at all.

But back to me, wandering around like a little lost girl. Resilient to find my house, or at least a place I know that's near it. I'd rather sleep in the comfort of my own bed than on the ground. It's dark, I have no map and I have no idea where I'm going. I pray that I'm not walking around in circles. Geez, where's Jack when you need him, with his perfect sense of direction. Maybe even Petra, I bump into her sometimes and we get to chat. Makes me realize something a lot more awful. I'm not just lost...I'm alone. At least for a few seconds.

In the distance I could hear screams. Somebody in danger, I thought it might be best to go help whoever that is, he might be able to help me. I ran in his direction. Then the guy in danger yelled "Get off me you six legged beast!" My mind switched from cautious to alarmed, I knew that voice. Rushing faster to to where the screams were coming from I ran as fast as I could. The source of the screams was a familiar male with red hair, on the ground wrestling a spider on his back, and failing. Without hesitation I took out my enchanted iron sword and sprinted forward doing this jump move and slicing the spider. It poofed into smoke, leaving behind two spider eyes and some string. I then went to the guy, who looked a little confused as to why the spider just stopped biting him but then his looked up and saw me. "You okay Romeo?" I asked him with a concerned look, holding my hand out. He seemed surprised that I helped him, "I think so, thanks." he said as he took my hand and I helped him to his feet. He didn't look too well, he must have been poisoned. Thank goodness I had a bucket of milk to give him to get rid of the effect.


Well, more mobs came after me and Romeo so I charged at them with my sword. Romeo helped of course, only his sword was stone. I was cornered by a few zombies when a skeleton shot me in the shoulder, causing me to yelp in pain and delay my attack. A Zombie bit me which slowed me down even more. Then I heard Romeo yell "Get away from her!" before slicing up a zombie. "Thanks." I said while pulling the arrow out of my shoulder. "Don't worry about it, now we're even." he said. Both of us running away from the mobs.

Romeo and I ran to a clearing where there were no mobs so we stopped to catch a breath. "What are you doing out here anyway?" I asked him. "Well, I overheard Jesse saying that BeaconTown ran out of string so, I offered to go out an...I may have made a stupid choice." he admitted. Really? That's his excuse for being out in the dark? I would facepalm so hard if it wasn't for the fact that he's freaking adorable. "Eh, could be worse. At least you got a few right?" I asked, referring to the spider I killed. "Yeah, thanks. What about YOU (Y/N)? Why are you out here." He asked. He's getting better at starting conversations I see. "In all honesty, I got lost..." I said with awkwardness in my voice "...and can't find my way home. But I'm not stopping until..." I stopped my sentence when I noticed a strange rock shaped like a wolf. I walked up to it and smirked. "Well what do you know." I said. "What do you mean?" Romeo asked me. "I built this wolf statue as a little landmark in my area, my house is nearby." I said, glad to have found. "Well, I guess I gotta go, see ya Romeo." I waved as I walked in the direction of my house. "(Y/N) wait..." he said, causing me to turn around and look at him. "C-can I, come with you...I, kind of need a place to stay for the night and...BeaconTown is a long way from here so..." he looked at me awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Well, I do have an extra room in the house and he's gonna get himself killed out all alone. "You're more than welcome to stick with me Romeo." I told him with a smile, trying to sound welcoming. "You...really? I-I mean, thanks (Y-Y/N)" he said shyly as a light blush crept up on his cheeks. Why do I sense a strong emotion behind that reaction?

I went in the direction of my house with Romeo following close behind me. When we made it I went inside to flip the lightswitch, activating the opening to a nighttime sensor which lit up my whole house. We both shielded our eyes as the bright light came.

Romeo's P.O.V

When my eyes were ready to adjust to the light, I looked around (Y/N)'s house. "Woah..." it was actually pretty big, a living room, crafting room/kitchen, and more? And they're all decorated? What impressed me most was the redstone circuit that powered all the light sources in the house. "Did you build all of this?" I asked. "Well, the house and redstone setup...yes, the furniture and decorations...not really, I had some help." she told me. But she was still the one responsible for building the place. Thank goodness she let me stay by her place, but it was awkward because I really like her. Not just that but something inside me just wants to be around her more often, she's just so lovely. "C'mon." She said, gesturing for me to follow her. "I have a spare bedroom down the hall, for guests, you can sleep there."

(Y/N) took me to the spare bedroom in the house. I wondered why she would have one, when you live out in the middle of the woods you rarely have anyone stay over. Then again I can't exactly sleep with her in HER room, even if I wanted to. WHY DID I JUST THINK ABOUT THAT!? Anyway, when we got to the room my stomach growled. I held a hand to my stomach. The worst part is that I didn't have any food in my inventory. (Y/N) must have heard it too. "Uh hey, do you need something to eat?" she asked politely "If so I can get you something from the pantry." "Uh...I um...yes...please." I said like a nervous wreck. I didn't want to turn her down but I didn't want to seem rude either.

After supper, I took my shoes off. You really expect me to sleep in a bed while I still have shoes on? What kind of person do you think I am? Anyway... I can't believe that (Y/N) really let me stay over by her place. I'm really nervous about all of this. It's just, she's so smart, kind generous, empathetic and she's beyond beautiful. I think very highly of her in a way and I want to tell her that. But I don't know how. Speaking of (Y/N), she came into the room dressed in a sleeveless white shirt, (F/C) leggings and (2nd F/C) socks, which I'm assuming is her sleepwear. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine." I said, calmly sitting down on the bed with a sigh. "Thank you for letting me stay here, I know it's hard to have a former enemy in the household as a guest so, thank you for putting up with me." I said half heartedly. She sat next to me. "Romeo come on." She began. "Stop thinking about that. Think about the present time and your new beginning. Do you really want the past to haunt you forever?" She has a good point, but her statement made forgetting seem so easy. "But what if it already does?" I question, "What if make even more ridiculous mistakes? What if I hurt people again?"What if I hurt you? I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me ever again." Sorrow sank into my heart, it was even written all over my face that I was miserable. Then I felt a hand rest on mine. I turned to see that the other hand was (Y/N)'s. "The past only hurts if you think about it, all that stuff can only happen if you think about doing it. You need to stop letting your past and emotions control your actions and thoughts, you have to take control yourself. If you don't want to be a bad person then be a good person." She said. "Besides, I don't blame you anymore Romeo. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, just as long as you learn from them. I can tell you're learning a lot from your mistakes." A calm blush prickled onto my face again. As if her kind and calming words weren't enough comfort, her gentle touch on the back of my hand soothed my shivers. I looked at her with a smile. Without thinking I went ahead and hugged her. A small and quiet "Thank you" escaped my lips. I guess it took her by surprise. When I realised what I was doing, I delayed before wanting to let go, but then (Y/N), hugged me back...calmly. "No problem" she said softly.

After she left, I went to bed. She doesn't seem to hate me, but I guess she's gotten use to me. I hope one day I can tell her the truth...that I love her.

A/N: This book was made because there are very little Romeo x Readers out there. And if there are they're hard to find. So here's one of my own. I had quite a few so I thought, well might as well write that book.

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