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Nico was bored. Bored out of his mind. Why had he agreed to stay 3 days in the infirmary? If someone asked him, he wasn't sure if he could answer them positively. The only highlights were when Will Solace came over and engaged him in some witty banter. That was the level he'd sunk to. He redirected his thoughts just as none other than one son of Apollo came bounding over. Again. He grinned at Nico.

"So, are those claw marks healing well?" He said.


"Are you lying?" Will hinted.

"No." Nico could only be bothered with one word answers at this point.

"Are you sure?"

"Why don't you just check them yourself then?" Said Nico, exasperated.

Will's grin slowly reformed itself into a smirk.

"If you wanted to take your top in front of me, you could've just asked." Will rolled his eyes as Nico glared at him.

Will surprised Nico by starting to sing.

"What are you..."

"Shut up." Will commanded.

He continued to sing in Ancient Greek, oblivious to Nico's obvious discomfort. A strange sensation was taking place in his stomach, like an extremely painful bout of pins and needles. He sucked in a breath and lifted his shirt slightly. The claw marks were closing over. Will's face took on a white pallor yet still he continued to sing until the marks were completely sealed. He finally stopped, swaying on the spot. Nico's eyes widened when he realised Will was probably going to collapse. Before he could do anything, Will crumpled to the floor. Nico cursed. A medic came over and stopped short at Will's form.

"What did he do?" She asked.

"He started to... to sing? And then he just collapsed."

The medic looked at Nico's now healed werewolf scratches.

"He healed you." She stated, then picked up Will and dragged him into the supply room.

Will shouldn't have exhausted himself healing Nico, yet he felt a peculiar warmth come over him that he couldn't help but enjoy. He mentally slapped himself. Will had worn himself out healing Nico. This had to stop. No one should faint from healing him. Only one more day to go, he reminded himself, one more day and then he was outta here.


Will woke up in a highly uncomfortable position. He was propped up against the supply cupboard, a roll of bandages stuck behind his head. He quickly checked to make sure no one had seen his awkward scramble to get out of the supply room, and with his dignity still intact (barely) he strolled over to Nico.

"Hey Death Boy!" He called.

"Don't call me that."

Will grinned.

Nico turned to face him.

"Shouldn't you be attending to the wounded?" He said.

"You are the wounded." Replied Will. "Werewolf scratches, malnourishment, and don't get me started on your self esteem..."

"What's wrong with my self esteem?!"

Will have him a pointed look.

Nico looked down at himself and scowled.

"Point proven." Said Will.

Will sauntered away. He rolled his eyes and made his way to the Aphrodite cabin to see Piper.

She opened the door with a strained smile.

"Will. How lovely to see you." She said, through her teeth.

Will looked at her curiously. She forced another smile and gestured for him to come in, and as he did he saw the cause of her stress. Aphrodite herself was seated on the floor, surrounded by her children, her pinky out as she sipped at her tea. Will bent into an awkward half bow. Aphrodite laughed.

"There's no need for that, darling."

Will blinked. She had messy black hair, that looked like it hadn't been combed in days, with pale skin that managed to look artfully so. She was bedecked in dark jeans and a skull t-shirt. He blinked again.

"You know what?" He said. "I'm just gonna leave you guys to it."

Aphrodite winked while Piper's forced smile became more and more genuine by the second. Will backed out of the room and into the sunlight. Shaking his head, he made his way back to the infirmary once more.

a/n aphrodite turns into the person you like, right? pretty sure she turned into annabeth for percy.

- L

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