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"Do we really have to do this? I mean you beated him up badly" a skinny boy with platinum hair and purple eyes said it.

"It is up to Sasuke's choice." A orange haired boy replied.

"He has to do it. I mean did you saw how that stupid girl stepped in between the fight? Honestly I really wanted my Sasuke-kun to defeat that brat!" a red haired girl added while painting her nails.

"You know, this whole drama could've been avoided if you just listened to me" the first boy said while counting a small pack of money.

"What did you said, Suigetsu?"

"All I'm saying is that if you were more careful, the fight would've never happened. You had a job Karin. You had to deliver the drugs to the users in the school without anyone noticing!"

"The good thing is that Naruto thought those were yours." the orange haired boy said. "If he discovers that you are the deliverer..."

"That won't happen Juugo" Karin said. "My cousin is too dumb to realize that."

"But we have to be more careful" a cold voice said from the door, joining the group. Karin quickly blushed as the dark haired man came closer. "Naruto's behaviour is affecting the others."

"Sasuke-kun!" she said with nervousness.

"They think they can step up to us like that Yamanaka girl." Juugo said.

"She's a newbie, I don't think that will be a problem" Karin crossed her arms.

"And Naruto's the dumb one?" Suigetsu asked as Karin suddenly punched his face.

"Say that again and I'll crush you!!"

"Enough." Sasuke said. "The girl's name is on the blacklist. She'll be taken care of very soon."

"What do you have in mind, Sasuke?" Juugo asked while the Uchiha only smirked.

Meanwhile Naruto, Sakura, and Ino were having a nice meal at Ichiraku's ramen. Ino was really amazed at how hungry the Uzumaki was and laughed everytime Sakura scolded him.

"Seriously Naruto you're gonna get fat!" Sakura said.

"Sakura don't be so mean and let me be dattebayo'.." Naruto said while eating. "So Ino from which school you came from?"

The Yamanaka blinked a few times. "Me? Well, I was just taking special classes during afternoons. During the mornings I worked at my family's Flower Shop with my mother."

"Wait, you mean the famous Yamanaka flower shop?!?!" Naruto asked. "AWESOME!!!"

"It's not a big deal, really.."

"Not a big deal? NOT A BIG DEAL?!?! Ino-chan everyone in the village loves that flower shop!! Some say it's been open for generations!!"

"Well that's true" Sakura added. "My father buyed some flowers to my mother way back when he proposed!"

Ino was about to reply, but out of nowhere she felt someone really close to her back. Then she felt a cold metallic object against her white school shirt, making her froze. Sakura and Naruto did the same when they felt metallic objects on their respective backs. The Uzumaki turned extremely serious as the Haruno trembled of nervousness.

"Follow us, now" one of the men said.

Naruto, Sakura and Ino walked in silence towards a dark alley in the city. Ino knew something bad was gonna happen but she didn't know what to do. Sakura and Naruto were scared too but they had an slight idea of who sended those masked men.

The blonde boy amd the pinkette were about to speak up when suddenly the Yamanaka talked seconds earlier.

"Who are you and what do you want?" she said trying not to show them fear.

"It doesn't matter who we are, un." one man said while pointing the gun at her face. "But your time has come."

Suddenly, Naruto stepped in front of her. "Take me instead and leave them alone!"

"Hey don't touch me!" Sakura said as another man took her.

"Ahhh, Dei? What do we do with her? She isn't on the blacklist." he said

"Tobi what did we talked about not saying our names?!" Dei said in an annoyed voice. "I just had my badass moment here!"

"But you just said my name!" Tobi said.

"Because you said mine first you idiot!!" Dei yelled.

"Shut up!!" the third, smaller man, said. "Just finish the job, we don't have much time!"

"But Sasori! He said my name!!!" Tobi said while showing Sakura to him. "And we can't kill her! She's not on the blacklist!"

"But we can't leave witnessers!" Dei complained. "Come on, just kill her!"

Sasori rolled his eyes under his mask. "Why the hell I was assigned to do this kind of thing with you?"

As Dei lowered the gun, Naruto suddenly tackled him and fighted him off. A shot gun was heard.

"Naruto!!!" Sakura said before bitting Tobi's hand to break free from his grip.

"Come on, let's go!" Ino said while reaching for the Haruno's hand but Sasori was on her way.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said as he pulled out his gun to shot them.

"Sakura..." Ino said in fear as she hugged her friend. They both closed their eyes before another shot gun was heard.

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