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Meanwhile in a private and silent neighborhood of Konoha, a scream of despair could be heard from the biggest compound of all.

"S-S-top it pleaase!!!" A beautiful, innocent, and unfortunately, tormented soul yelled to her father. She was on her knees fighting and doing her best to convince him to change his mind.

But he didn't listened. It wasn't like he did enjoyed what he was doing to her daughter, but he had no option. The Hyuga clan must have a true, sane heir to rule the family's organization.

"Take her to the laboratory" his father, Hiashi said. "Hanabi must have the amount of blood necessary before the operation."

"N-No!" she replied between tears as she was taken away by many servants. "I-I don't wa-wanna do this anymore!!"

"Uncle please!!! You can't do this to us!" Neji said while trying his best to stay up. "You are killing her!!"

"Some sacrifices must be made, for the greater good." he replied as he turned away from him.

"Sacrifices? You're killing your daughter!" Neji shouted.

"And what should I do, huh? Tell me! Hanabi has cancer! I can't abandon her!"

"You are the owner of many hospitals! You could hire he best doctors and pay for the best treatments."

Hiashi hesitated "It's not that simple.."

"Why?" Neji asked before inquiring further. "This is not just for her blood type isn't it?"



"The blood type is just a factor" Hiashi sighed. "Long before Hanabi's illness appeared, the Hyuga clan contacted the Uchihas. It was a time of crisis, we were almost broke. They offered a huge amount of money in exchange of the Hyuga's most important discovery."

"Cancer's cure" Neji murmured.

"Exactly" Hiashi replied. "The Uchihas needed a new drug in the market, something that only they could have. So, we made a deal. We create the cure and trade it for money. That's how the clan survived all this years."

Neji was shocked, almost at the verge of tears. "And Hinata? And me? You condemned our lives to years of torture, looking for a cure to Hanabi's illness with the excuse of doing the right thing. For what? For nothing! You always had the cure and you gave it away!"

"Neji, there was no option. I've tried to regain the rights of the cure but they don't break deals that easily!" Hiashi yelled before regaining his composture. "Hinata must not know about this. It'll risk Hanabi's treatment."

"No! She deserves to-"

"You're dismissed. It's your turn to go to the laboratory."

"No! You can't do this! You're killing your family! You're a murderer!!!!!" Neji yelled while he was being taken away by other servants to the laboratory. Hiashi closed his eyes, supressing all his emotions. He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't do anything. He had to face the consequences.

But little did he knew that his whole conversation was overheard by a young girl who stood at the stairs all the time, processing everything.

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