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"Man, this chemistry test is so boring" Shikamaru said while taking a big breath while Chouji still ate his chips. "I don't even wanna take it."

"You never want to do anything, and for Kami's sake Chouji stop eating your chips!" a blonde girl with green eyes said.

"I just can't Temari!" Chouji said while eating. "It helps me with my anxiety."

"Just let him be Temari" Kankuro said while eating chocolate bars. "I'm also nervous about this test."

"You wouldn't be if you had studied" Gaara, commented while reading his notebook.

"Look who's talking. My little brother doing a last minute study."

"Is better than nothing."

"Enough" Temari said. "Kankuro you should do what Gaara's doing. Show some interest."

"I am! Don't you see? Eating chocolate helps me with my concentration problem!" he replied.

Meanwhile, Ino stood on her chair trying to study. She knew the test but ever since her encounter with the Uchihas everything changed.

She remembered when she woke up in front of her house during Saturday morning. She felt dizzy and didn't know where she was and how she got there...

"Ino!" Sakura's voice brought her back to reality. The Haruno walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry about your mom."

"Don't be. It was all them" Ino replied while trying to hide her tears. "I'll bury her after school."

"Naruto and I will go with you."

"No. I won't risk you."

After a moment of silence, the Yamanaka leaned close to Sakura. "Tell me the truth. Did Sasuke hurted you?"

The pinkette suddenly shrugged, her trembling hands played with her short hair as she made a fake smile. "Don't worry. Sasuke-kun didn't put a hand on me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Good." she sighed. "I just hope Naruto's okay."

Temari over heard Ino and Sakura's talk before the chemistry test started. She knew something was going on and she will find out soon.

Half an hour later, Hinata and Neji appeared in the classroom caughting everyone's attention. Neji handed two papers to the professor while Hinata took the exams.

Everyone looked at the Hyugas, noticing their obvios physical changes. Hinata had a lot of bruises and walked with difficulty. Neji had those bruises too but he looked better. Either way, what was evident was their lack of sleep in their eyes.

"What happened to them?" Ino asked to Sakura.

"Nobody knows. Sometimes they show up like that." she replied.

During lunch time, Ino decided to look after Naruto. She hasn't seen him since that day at the cementery so she was really worried.

"Where are you Naruto?" she asked to herself as she walked through the hallways before suddenly bumping into another girl.

"You're Ino Yamanaka right? We need to talk." the girl said. Ino tried to ignore her but the girl didn't let her.

Ino sighed, annoyed. "Could you please move? I'm looking for someone and right now I'm not in the mood."

"The Uzumaki's at the principal's office so you can't bother him. Don't be afraid, I'm not like that Uchiha."

"What do you want?"

"I'm Temari Sabaku no, and I want answers. What's your relation with the Uchihas? Why are you on the Blacklist?"

"I don't answer to you Temari. Now if you-"

"Don't make this harder for yourself. Everybody hates the Uchihas as much as you do, trust me." Temari said while crossing her arms. "Look, there's a group working against them if you're interested."

"What's this? A revolution kind of thing?"

"Call it the way you want. But it could be your ticket sale to get freedom." she said while giving her a small paper before leaving. Ino looked at the small note that was writter.

"History class at 5" it said.

"Ino?!" a male voice she knew very well was heard. She looked up and saw Naruto. He was obviously injured.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you the whole day." Ino said while approaching him and touching his face. "Oh my Kami look at you! Are you okay?"

Naruto tried to hide his blush with a grin. "I-I'm okay Ino don't worry dattebayo'. I was just at a meeting with Tsunade."

Suddenly Kiba's yell interrupted their conversation.

"Somebody help please!!" he said while running and being followed by Shino who was carrying Hinata. Ino and Naruto got worried.

"Hinata!!! What happened to her dattebayo?" he asked.

"We don't know. She was having lunch with us and suddenly she went unconscious." Shino said.

"We must go to the infirmary" Ino said while everyone nodded. Suddenly Neji appeared, followed by Lee and Tenten.

"Neji! Neji wait!!!" Tenten said.

"Hinata-sama!" Neji said with worry. "What happened?"

"Neji you need to calm down! She's at the in-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!!" he said while looking at Sasuke who was passing by. "You....You caused all of this!!!"

"Neji wait!!" Lee said while stopping him. Sasuke only smirked and kept walking.

"It's your fault!!! I cursed you!!! EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT! YOU'RE A MURDERER!!"

"Neji shut up!" Tenten said in anger. "You're gonna get us killed!!"

Ino stared at the whole scene. She couldn't believe it. How many lives has the Uchiha clan ruined? How many people have suffered because of them? And since when? She was angry, angry at all the injustice she and her classmates had to face because of one single clan.

That's when she looked at the small paper she had in her hands with determination before squeezing it.

"Ino?" Naruto said while watching her carefully.

"We have to fight Naruto. We can't let them go away with their liflves withot paying for what they did."

"Ino....this is serious. I don't want you to be in danger dattebayo."

"Naruto, I can't. I must do this."

"In that case" he sighed. "We're gonna spend a lot of time together dattebayo!"

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