part 3

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mollie heard a noise and startled, sitting bolt upright. she looked over to the door where aj was just about to leave. she pushed up on the back of the sofa. « where are you going?!? » she asked urgently. he smiled at her concern  «  haha, don't worry i'm just getting us coffee » he assured. she sighed  «  i thought you were leaving me ». he walked over to her « what? i wouldn't do that! » he kissed her on the head and then left through the door, still looking back at her. she continued beaming even after he'd left, filled with relief he wasn't gone.

mollie had just got out of the shower when she heard the doorbell ring. she put a towel round her and came to the door. mollie opened the door to aj who was grinning with two cups of coffees and pastries in his arms. he was laughing until he realised mollie was in her towel and then he turned red and looked down. mollie smiled to herself as she ushered him over to the kitchen. « you go and get plates, i'll just put some clothes on » she chuckled spinning on her heel and headed back to her bedroom. she could feel aj's eyes on her as she left the room.

as mollie entered the room, changed this time, she was about to run up to aj when she noticed him singing to himself. she stopped in her tracks waiting to see if he noticed her watching. he then looked up shyly and covered his face with his hand. «  no carry on it was good! » she urged, knowing he wasn't any good but it was cute. as she sat down he pushed a plate towards her with a chocolate croissant on it.

once they'd finished eating aj took their plates to wash up. « nooo, leave them i'll do them later » she insisted « really it's fine! » aj replied. mollie grabbed his arms from behind him so he couldn't wash them. aj knew he could free them if he wanted to but he didn't, so he let himself be dragged backwards. they were both in fits of laughter and gathering speed as she pulled him away from the sink. until mollie tripped on the chair behind her and they both toppled on the floor. aj was still laughing, but then he realised that mollie wasn't laughing anymore she was crying in pain. immediately he jumped off her and offered his hand to help her up. she winced in pain in between cries of agony. mollie shook her head. « i can't stand » she said. nodding, aj swiftly picked her up in his arms and lay her down on the sofa. he knelt down next to her. « what's wrong mol? » he asked concerned, brushing his hand through her hair. she gestured towards her foot « i think it's broken » she whispered. at this, aj jumped to his feet « right, i'm taking you to hospital » he stated. mollie didn't bother to argue, she was in too much pain and knew he wouldn't back down.

aj was holding mollie with both arms and so had to pick up her car keys with his teeth which at least managed to make mollie smile. he placed her in the back seat so she could lie down and he set off. he kept looking in the mirror to check she was okay. every now and then he assured her she'd be alright, in between her yelps of pain.

they finally arrived at the hospital and aj parked up, breathing heavily, stressed out by the whole situation. mollie put her arms around his neck as he lifted her out the car. « i'm so sorry » she whispered in his ear. he frowned « no! don't be silly » aj stroked her cheek. « ugh, i've ruined the whole day, we were meant to be going to do something and now i can't even walk, ah i'm so clumsy » she rambled shutting her eyes. aj just repeated that it was fine and they made their way over to reception and aj explained the situation to the woman saying that mollie had fallen over. she directed them to a waiting area, apologising that it could be half an hour before they saw anyone.

luckily they were the only two people in the waiting area, so they wouldn't have to go through the awkward situation of being recognised. mollie leant against the wall with her foot on aj's lap. she mouthed « thank you » to aj, he smiled gently in response, grazing his thumb across her foot.

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