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mollie had to have an x-ray to confirm whether her foot was broken, as a result aj had been asked to leave the room. reluctantly, he'd agreed stepping out, his eyes on mollie searching for her reassurance that she'd be okay. she smiled at him anxiously and he shut the door. he took a seat outside, rubbing his palms together slowly and grinding his teeth.

before the lady could even open her mouth aj sprang to his feet and entered back into the room. the doctor gestured to him to come and look at the x-ray. she pointed out the bones that had been affected, which ones were damaged and which remained intact. mollie smiled as aj leant forwards hanging on the doctors every word.
after a few moments the doctor turned to mollie « you haven't broken anything so it should heal reasonably quickly, but there are some severe fractures so don't attempt to walk for at least a week. at this mollies face dropped, she'd been hoping they'd be able to get out of London for a bit together but it didn't look like that was happening any time soon. aj smiled at mollie encouragingly, before helping her off the bed. she clung her arm round his shoulder and limped out. the lift was full so aj swung her legs round and he carried her down the stairs in his arms. he didn't put her down until they arrived at the car, where he placed her down with care. by the time aj had gone round to the drivers seat, mollie had her head in her hands leaning forwards. « it's okay mol, you'll be alright » he said softly, rubbing her back.
they stayed sat in the car until mollie had been calmed down. when they got back to mollie's house, aj jokingly asked « so, where do you want to spend the next week lying down, bedroom or sofa? » after requesting the bedroom aj lay her down and went to make them tea. he returned holding two mugs and turned the television on, brought her extra pillows and fed Alfie. mollie smiled at him as he walked back in « you really don't have to do all this you know? » aj frowned, getting into the bed with her « of course i do! and i want to, i can't just leave you here in bed all week can i?! » he laughed. mollie moved over putting her head on his chest. she intertwined her fingers in his « well thank you then ». she looked up at him, staring right into his eyes. he  smiled down, she reached up and kissed him, his hands tangled in her hair. he broke away to kiss her neck, she turned to him so they were so close she could breath in his scent, their lips almost touching they stayed like this until neither could bear it any longer. their lips crashed together, moving in time. aj gently rolled mollie over onto her back, so she wasn't straining her injury. mollie winced slightly in pain. « you okay?» he breathed, leaning off her. she nodded pulling him towards her with her hand round his neck and kissing him once again.

mollie woke up the next morning. before she even opened her eyes, she could feel the touch of aj's skin against her own. aj had his arm round her tightly, although he was still asleep. mollie looked up at him, his hair was dropped over his face and his mouth was open slightly. she lay gazing at him, admiring his features before he woke up, opening his eyes to see her staring at him. he laughed deeply, his voice cracking as he pulled her towards him tightly and kissed her on the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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