Chapter 15

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I woke up with my back up against Louis' chest with Louis' arms wrapped tightly around my waist. The quilt from the bed was laid lazily over the both of us as we were still on the floor. Did we actually do it on the floor? Wow, that's different...

I gingerly sat up , willing my stomach not to turn like it always does when I wake up. Surprisingly, there wasn't a sudden rise of bile like normal. Doing a mini happy dance , I pushed myself up and walked down to the kitchen.
Once I got to the kitchen , I ran my eyes around the smallish room. Thinking about it the rest of the house actually isn't that big... this is probably a temporary house or something. Actually that would be a pretty good idea, having a temporary house in each location rather than staying in hotels or on the tour bus. But wait! What happens when they leave to go on tour again? What happens to me and Louis? What happens to the baby? Talking of baby, I need to book another doctors appointment, to sort everything out. After thinking back on everything that's happened, I've worked out that I should only be about 2 weeks pregnant, if that. So I still think we should try our hardest to keep it a secret from everyone. So far , we're doing pretty well considering the only person who knows is Harry.
Finally coming back from my thoughts and in to reality, the sound of my stomach making un-human like noises was a signal that I need to get something to eat. Deciding to see what I could make, I started to scavenge through the cupboards, on the search for something easy to make. Within a few minutes I had come across a tin of beans which gave me a sudden craving for a cooked breakfast.
With a goal in mind for what I was going to make, I set out to find the other components for the meal. Sausage, bacon, eggs , bread and mushrooms. I know some people put a tomato on their cooked breakfast but lets be honest. Anyone who can eat a tomato on its own is bloody disgusting and needs to checked out by a professional. Any way, back to the breakfast. I turnt on the grill and began to place the bacon and the sausages on the tray ready to cook. Obviously the boys are going to be down soon so I put enough on to feed all of them. Luckily there were two packs of sausages and two packs of bacon or I don't think there would have been enough. As soon and the bacon and sausages were cooking I tipped three tins of beans into a microwaveable jug. It's so much easier than doing it on the hob. I'm not gonna heat them yet as they'll get cold by the time everything else is ready. Right now time for the important stuff. Grabbing the carton of eggs I started to beat some in shallow bowl and started to prepare the bread so I could make eggy bread! After preparing 12 pieces of bread , I left them on a plate til it's time for them to fry.
Checking the sausages and bacon , a beautiful smell escaped the oven, invading the nostrils on its way. Wow, that smelt bloody fabulous.
Last thing to do was put the mushrooms and the eggs in their pans and then I could start cooking everything. Just as I was cracking the eggs into a jug and whisking them up, I felt a sudden twist in my stomach, but not a bad ,'I'm about to throw up' twist. It was just a nice feeling.
Looking down at my stomach, I placed a hand on my lower stomach and felt around for any kind of bump which might suggest I'm pregnant. Nope, nothing , nada , zilch. "At least give me something! A bump , a kick, anything!" I whisper to my stomach, temporarily forgetting about the food.
"Who are you talking to?" Asks a sleepy voice from the door next to me.
Spinning around, I find Niall, rubbing his eyes whilst standing there in his spongebob pyjama pants. Of course someone walks I whilst I'm talking to my stomach like a bloody lunatic.
"Uh no one? Why what did you hear?" I asked at the same as I turnt my back and continued with the eggs.
After yawning Niall came in to the kitchen and sat on one of the kitchen stools. "Nothing really, just a bunch of mumbl-wait what are you making?" His eyes had finally latched on to my hands mixing the eggs before pouring them on to a hot pan and mixing them.
"I'm making a cooked breakfast for every one... is that cool?" I worried that he might think I'm intruding.
His eyes suddenly went wide and he looked like he was about to kiss me!
"Really?! No one ever cooks breakfast, we usually just go out! It smells amazing though! Can I help?"
Setting him off to warm the beans I finished off the bread , eggs and mushrooms before putting them on to 6 separate plages, followed by the sausages and bacon and then Niall came over with the beans. Perfect timing boy.
The plates were a little messy hut what do you expect? We're no chefs.
I announced to Niall that we were done and he bounced off to the bottom of the stairs.
"BOYS! Breakfast is ready!" He shouted up the stairs.
Within seconds there was a low rumbling which resembled the sound of an earthquake... that must be them. Suddenly all of the boys were all in the kitchen , picking which seat they wanted to sit on. When they were all sat down I passed out the plates, realising that there were only 5 seats and they were all taken. Well what am I gonna do?
"Wait who made this?" Asked Zayn from his space.
"Me!" Answered me and Niall before I threw Niall an incredulous look only to be answered with a cheeky smirk.
"Well whoever made this, it's bloody delicious." That was Liam that time.

I went over and hovered next to Louis with my plate and lent over and ate off of the table whilst everyone ate in peace. At least they all like it.


WOW it's been like 11 months since I last updated! I'm so sorry!
This is a really shitty chapter so sorry if you hate it!

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