The proposal [Graynessa]

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"Grayson, I need to talk to you" I entered our room to find him sitting on the bed on his phone. He turned it off quickly before looking at me.

"Y-yeah sure babe, what's up?" He stuttered. I hesitated for a bit but decided to let it our of my chest. I was so done.

"Grayson, are you cheating on me?" I said frowning. His face went pale.
"What? What are you talking about?" He said standing up.

"Grayson, you're never home anymore, you always hide your phone when I'm around, you never talk to me" I said, tears were threatened to fall "do you even still love me?"

"Nessa, of course I do! I swear I'm not cheating on you baby" he walked to me and was about to hug me but I stepped back, putting my hands up.

"Stop" I said "explain your behavior first"

"I...I can't" he mumbled "not now"

"What do you mean not now?!" I snapped "I can't trust you if you won't tell me what is going on with you!" My tears were falling by now. I couldn't understand what was stopping him from telling me if he's not cheating.


"Don't Nessa me!" I pushed his chest but he didn't even move due to how strong he was. He allowed me to hit his chest until I stopped.

"I'm sorry, I love you" he walked to the bed and grabbed his pillow "I'll sleep on the couch tonight" he said before he walked to the door. I went to the bed and got under the covers. I started sobbing on my pillow until sleep took over me.

Grayson's POV:
I opened the door carefully, trying not to wake her up. I walked to the bed and sat next to her head. I noticed her dry tears which made my heart break. I wiped them gently before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry for making you cry Nessa, I promise you I will never hurt you ever again, I love you baby" I whispered softly to her before leaving the room.

"I hope tomorrow goes as planned" I said to myself.

Vanessa's POV:
I woke up to the sound of the shower. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I went to the mirror to find my eyes red and puffy from crying and my hair was messy.

"I need some coffee" I said walking out to the kitchen. I noticed Grayson's pillow on the couch and everything from last night flashed in my head. I shook my head and went to make my coffee but his phone rang signalling that he had a message.

I fought the urge to go and check the message. But his phone rang again and this time I went straight to it and unlocked it. The first thing I saw was two unread messages from a number that didn't have a name. But when I opened them my tears started to fall down.

Good morning babe

Here's the address to the place we're meeting in, don't be late, love ya❤😚😉

I took out my phone and copied the address before locking his and putting it back on the table. I heard the showers stop so I quickly stood up and wiped my tears and jogged to the kitchen, acting like nothing happened.

"Good morning babe" I heard him say as he walked out. I ignored him and started making my coffee.

"You're still mad?" He asked which made me huff.

"Okay..." I heard him mumble. I glanced at him to see him checking his phone but I quickly turned away.

Minutes later, he walked out of the room fully dressed.

"I'm meeting up with Ethan, I'll be back later"

I didn't answer him which made him sigh. He walked to the door "I love you Nessa" he said before closing the door.

I Iet out a breath, letting my tears fall. I hurried to the room, changing my clothes and took my car keys before sprinting out the door.

I got to my car and put the address in my GPS.

15 minutes later, I was pulled in front of a hotel. I got out and walked inside, heading towards the elevator.

Room 523... I reminded myself as I walked down the hallway.

I got to the room and the door was surprisingly open. I hesitated if I should enter or not.

Behind this door, I will see something that will break my heart and I don't if I'll be able to handle it.

I slowly pushed the door open and walked inside.

I noticed peddles of roses on the floor making a path. I gulped and followed it.

My hands were trembling, afraid of what I was gonna see in a few moments. I turned to the left and looked up at the wall.

I gasped at the sight in front of me.

'Vanessa will you marry me?' Was wrriten on the wall with flowers and roses all over the room.

"Nessa.." I turned behind me to see Grayson on one knee in front of me holding out a small box that has a beautiful looking diamond ring. I put my hands on my mouth as tears started to fall.

"Wha- how-" I couldn't form a sentence due to my confusion.

"Nessa, I'm sorry for making you cry yesterday, I'm sorry for making you think that I'm cheating on you" he started, looking up at me "I was planning for this for some time, that's why I've been out most of the times and I'm sorry for that" his eyes started shinning.

"Nessa, I love you with my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" He asked, hope clear in his eyes.

I nodded happily, making him stand up and slide the ring into my finger before he picked me up and twirled us around.

He put me down as I heard clapping and cheering from the door. And there stood Ethan, Roni, Cameron and our parents.

"Congrats son!" Sean walked to him and patted his back. We hugged and kissed them before I pulled Grayson to the side.

"How did you know that I'll be here?" I asked him. He smiled.

"I knew you'd read the messages this morning" he said, rubbing my arm.

"Wait, who sent the messages?"

"It was me!" Ethan exclaimed, raising his hand up. I looked at him weirdly.

"You?!" I said before bursting out laughing.

"I know, it was so awkward" he said laughing wih me and the others.

Grayson took me to the balcony and pulled the doors closed. He pushed me on the wall gently before grabbing my face and pressing my lips against his. I smiled through the kiss before putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down.

"Nessa, I love you so much" he said as he pulled away.

"I love you too" I said "and I'm sorry that I thought for a second that you were cheating on me"

"No, it's okay, I don't blame you Nessa" he smiled at me and put his face in my neck, kissing it softly.

We went back inside and no one was there.

"Where did they go?" I asked confused. He went and closed the door before turning to me smirking.

"This room is ours till tomorrow" he said wiggling his eyebrows. Oh this boy...

Hope you enjoyed. It's not that good but yeah, I hope you liked it.
Photo credit to @dorrellmanips on Instagram.
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Peace x

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