Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice

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Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice

He sits silently beneath the wide-open skies. The townspeople know not to disturb him here. He is of noble birth, but he speaks to everyone as a friend. For now, however, he listens. He has wisdom like no other. The rumor is that God speaks directly to him. He always seemed to be favored.

The army watches him now, certain he is unaware of their presence. Why does he meditate like this, just sitting on the hill, eyes closed, face turned towards the heavens? Does the blue sky hold some secret unknown? Does the sun speak riddles to him? It can't be.

"What are we waiting for?" The lieutenant asks. "Let's hurry up and do it."

The captain stays still. "Not yet." The army was given strict orders to approach with caution, and engage with the maximum force.

The lieutenant is tenacious, and eager to complete their mission. He isn't good at waiting. It grows even more apparent because of his next action.

The lieutenant motions to the soldiers. They leap from the foliage and storm the field, surrounding Blair. He does not even open his eyes.

The captain knows action is necessary, especially since the entire army has mobilized, but some outside force prevents the captain from jumping out from the foliage and assisting the lieutenant. The lieutenant doesn't appear to need any help. He lifts his sword and puts the point to Blair's throat.

"Any last words?" The lieutenant challenges.

"My last words will not be spoken today," Blair says easily. He finally opens his eyes, but instead of looking at the army in front of him, Blair's eyes meet the captain's. Immediately, the captain's heart picks up speed.

Blair's response angers the lieutenant. He threatens Blair's life, but this so-called prophet won't give him his full attention. The lieutenant raises his sword and swings it at Blair.

Finally Blair's eyes meet the lieutenant's. "Stop," he says, and the lieutenant freezes in midair. Blair sighs as though he is pained. "May God have mercy on your souls."

The final word falls from his lips just as the entire army collapses, dead. Blair looks truly sorry.

The lieutenant is immediately manic. "What've you done?" He screams. The sword, still poised above his head, falls when Blair's eyes leave his. The lieutenant tries to rouse a soldier at his feet. When he is unsuccessful, he turns to the captain. "You did this," he accuses. "You two together... you brought us here to kill us."

Perhaps that would be a better explanation. The captain can't even move to refute the lieutenant's accusations. Blair commands all attention, and it seems as though he holds some sort of physical power over the captain, preventing any further advance.

"Hush," Blair says, and his face is contorted in agony. He meets the lieutenant's eyes, which have filled with tears. "Now join your soldiers." The last look on the lieutenant's face is one of fear as he topples over. With his death, the captain is released from Blair's hold.

Slowly, she gets to her feet. Blair watches as she comes to stand in front of him, looking dazed. "Are you going to kill me too?" She asks.

"No," Blair replies. "Your heart is not like theirs."

The captain glances down at her dead soldiers, and her impulsive yet loyal lieutenant. "I've killed more people than they have," she frowns.

When she turns back to Blair, his face is tilted up towards the sky, eyes closed once again. "Would you like to hear a story?" Blair asks.

"I have to kill you," the captain says, mostly to herself. She is still dazed by this man.

Blair repeats his question. The captain doesn't reply, so he begins.

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