[1] Not the last to leave

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You let out a sigh as you exited through the front doors of your school, your breath visible from the cold. You brushed the off the thin layer of snow and sat down on the concrete wall surrounding the garden, your usual spot when waiting to be picked up. You examined the schoolyard, observing each student that passes. Soon enough, you were the last one there. (Like always)

-Time skip to next day, brought to you by dancing baby groot-

You waited, squirming in your seat. This class was so boring and you couldn't wait to be dismissed.


A sea of children flooded the hall, ready to drown anyone in the way of it's current.
You went to sit, in between crowds of other students, humans and trolls. As you fiddled with your gloves you overheard parts of their conversation,
"What a freak!"
"He's so pathetic."
"No wonder he doesn't have any friends,"
"MUTANT!" They mocked, you didn't bother to care who the "freak" was. You fumbled through your pockets until you finally retrieved your beanie, you slipped it on. At last everyone was gone, you let the silence drown you, it was so peaceful. You closed your eyes, letting your thoughts dance around in your head as you waited for your mom.

Your peace was interrupted as a loud, frustrated sigh broke the silence.
It startled you, causing you to spring up. You looked over, surprised to find a guy. He was a troll. He had short, nubby horns, black messy hair, and most noticeable, his grey skin. He was wearing a big black jacket at least two sizes bigger than him, a scarf covering his neck, grey ripped jeans, and black converse. He looked at his phone and scoffed, then rolled his eyes.

He must have caught you staring,
You managed to evade his gaze by quickly turning your head before your eyes could meet, but before you could do anything else, you heard the hOnk of a horn and your mom call.
For once you weren't the last to leave.

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