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Rain drizzled down from the bleak sky, dripping off the leafless branches and into my already soaked hair. My stomach yowled again, prompting me to glance down at the twigs I had resorted to chewing on. I was so tired of the rain, of the gurgling stream just out of my reach. So tired of the same silent murky landscape and slushy snow.

The sparse bushes I crouched in gave only meager shelter, and their sharp needle-like branches dug into my aching back. There were no rocks to offer anything more suitable, no crevices I could crawl into to hide. I was stuck with the disgruntled ravens and skeletal trees, an unquenchable beast in my stomach.

Digging my nails into my palms I shuffled on the cursed dirt. I had to move, had to shakily stumble away from this wretched, dead place. Of course, I knew I could not. Every attempt I had made had been halted by the horrible shrieking that would pursue my movements. The rancid smell of rotting meat, and torn breathing of a huge monster heading towards me. Only when I settled back down on my sharp bed of thorns would it stop. Only when I resigned myself to chewing on damp bark and quell my crying would I hear the heavy footfalls retreat.

I could never quite get a glimpse of it. There were always a few too many nimble trees obscuring the view. Always a little too dark, the rain a little too thick...always something hiding the monstrosity that stalked me. At least all but its huge sprawling antlers. Those I could see with horrific clarity.

The red stains on the tips, strips of velvet dangling like weeds from the yellow bone. I can almost swear I could see the dried veins webbing across their surface. A sick replica of the roots spreading outwards from ripped-up trees. Not a fiber of me wanted to know what the rest of the creature looked like.

So I hid, despairing, the insanity of my hunger nearly driving me to make a run for it. One final dash that would have prayers running through my head like flocks of birds. A shaky breath escaped me, too loud in the silence. The smell of rotting meat floated on the breeze.

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