Part 2

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I actually got this done quicker than I thought I would :') I hope you guys enjoy it, and thank you so much for the love on the first part!

Btw, this will have 3 parts, so one more after this!


"Dude, have you finished your paper yet?"

"Almost. I somehow managed to word vomit my way through it last night," Kirishima told Kaminari as he lifted the lid of his laptop. He'd just slid into his usual seat at their table the following Monday.

"Ugh," Kaminari groaned, slumping down onto the table. "I'm jealous. I still have two thousand words of a boring history paper to write," he mumbled into his arms.

Kirishima chuckled. "Sometimes I feel like college is just paying to write a bunch of crap you won't remember later," he said.

"Don't think I could agree more," Kaminari said, sitting up to pull out his notes and laptop. "So ya know anything about the Vietnam war?"

"Dude, think about who you're asking," Kirishima said. "I suck at remembering history, let alone world history."

"Heh, yeah. Figured I'd give it a shot, though," he sighed. "But hey, you never told me about what happened Friday after you left. You know—with that guy."

Kirishima couldn't hide his grin as he launched into a brief retelling of his 'adventure' with Bakugou to find his wallet, explaining how it was turned in at the police station, recounting how he paid for a few things for Bakugou after his money was stolen, and ended with them heading their separate ways at the bus stop.

"Yep, that sounds like you—always the gentleman, helping people out when you don't have to. Even though you probably did it 'cause you're attracted to him, huh?" Kaminari said with that same teasing, shit-eating grin Kirishima knew so well.

"Can't deny that was part of it, but I woulda done it even if I wasn't," Kirishima admitted.

"Did he even thank you?"

"Well, yes and no? He doesn't really seem like the kinda guy who's so great with words and stuff, but it was sort of implied. I mean, if his insistence upon paying me back was anything to go by, I'd say he's grateful at the very least. But I wasn't really looking for a thank you."

"Of course you weren't. And I bet you told him you don't want him to pay you back, right?"

The redhead half-grinned. "This is why you're my best friend," he said. "You know me too well. But nah, I told him if he wants to hang out he can join us here, but if not, no hard feelings or anything."

"You think he'll show?"

The words were just barely out of Kaminari's mouth when the door swung open and Kirishima caught sight of a familiar tuft of ash blonde hair entering the building. He glanced over and, with an almost eerie feeling of fate washing over him, found it to be none other than Bakugou striding in with that same slightly hunched posture he usually had.

Kaminari's head swiveled in the direction Kirishima's eyes pointed. "Guess there's some truth to the saying 'speak of the devil', huh?"

"Guess so," Kirishima agreed in the same second Bakugou's head turned in their direction. As soon as he saw the redhead, he completely skipped over getting in line and crossed the room, stepping right up to their table.

"Oh hey, Bakugou! You made it!" Kirishima greeted immediately.

"Yeah, hey Dumb Hair," the blonde said, a hand dipping into his back pants pocket. "I brought your shitty money."

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