Part 3

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wHOOPS I LIED - there will be one more part after this! After this part got as long as it is (7.7K words, eesh I'm sorry!) and I still hadn't gotten to the end, and when I had a spark of inspiration from a comment on chapter 2 on ao3 to add a few more details, I decided a fourth part was needed so this one didn't end up being 11K words long ._.

(also, idk how many of you do this--if any--but don't scroll to the end notes unless you're prepared for a pretty major spoiler x3)


Kirishima didn't see Bakugou for nearly two weeks after that.

The following day—a Tuesday—after Bakugou's strange behavior on the bus was the first day in weeks he didn't show up to the Starbucks, knowing that was where they usually met unless they'd decided otherwise, and they hadn't. Remembering what he'd said about not feeling well, though, Kirishima decided there was no good reason to bother him and to leave him be to get the rest he probably needed. Wednesday followed suit. It wasn't until Thursday night, not having heard from Bakugou in a few days, did Kirishima decide to check up on him with a text.

Yo, Baku. How ya doing?

The response didn't come until nearly noon the next day.


As Kirishima sat at the desk in his room, halfway through a drawing of a lion, he bounced his leg in a sudden burst of worry for his friend.

-Still sick, huh?


-Anything I can do, man?

-Idk, you magic?

Kirishima managed a small smile.

-Sadly, no. Chicken noodle soup is about the closest you're gonna get, I think

-Ew. That shit is nasty

-Whaaat? You seriously don't like chicken soup?

-It ain't even real chicken, moron

-Wtf. Yes it is.

The conversation came to a sudden halt after that, and Kirishima could only assume Bakugou had probably fallen asleep. After about an hour, he sent one last text.

-Hope you feel better soon, dude. Srsly lemme know if I can help.

That was the last he heard from Bakugou for several more days. By nature, Kirishima was anything but nosy, and the last thing he wanted was to end up pushing Bakugou away by being overly concerned and annoying him. He refrained from texting him again despite his worry and his mind being on his newest friend a good majority of the time.

It didn't take long for Kaminari to notice said worry, either.

"What's got you so tense, Kiri?" he'd asked.

"Nothin'. Just worried about Bakugou, y'know?"

"Yeah. Seems like he's been sick for quite a while now. Have you talked to him at all?"

Kirishima shook his head. "It's been almost a week now. I just don't wanna be super nosy. But it feels kinda weird... not having him around."

"He probably caught something from being at the hospital so often," Kaminari pointed out. "Diseases and shit are in and out of there all the time, so he was bound to catch something sooner or later."

It was a good point, but it didn't dissipate Kirishima's concern any. Still, he decided to give it a few more days before he tried to contact the blonde again if he still hadn't seen or heard from him.

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