Part 4

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Just know that I'm an awful person who does terrible things to the characters I love.


Kirishima ended up staying with Bakugou for a couple of days after that. After learning what he had, and so suddenly, it felt weird—almost wrong—to leave Bakugou alone. And, as Kirishima usually was, he was honest about this when confronted about it the following morning.

"The fuck? You stayed?" Bakugou had mumbled in a sleepy manner when he'd finally peeled his eyes open midway through the morning; Kirishima had already been awake for an hour or so, content being occupied by his phone until the other awoke.

"Yup," Kirishima responded. "Morning."

Bakugou sat up, rubbing at an eye with the heel of his hand. "Why?"

"'Cause. I dunno. It didn't feel right to leave you after everything I found out yesterday. Plus it was late, and I'm pretty sure by the time I realized what time it was the last bus had already left, and I didn't really feel like walking five miles at midnight." Kirishima punctuated the statement with a small laugh. "But don't worry, I didn't raid your fridge or anything."

"Hmph... you're fuckin' weird..." Bakugou mumbled through a yawn.

That was all he said about the subject for most of the day until it was nearly dinner time and they'd already binged through the rest of Stranger Things and made it six or seven hours into a run through Borderlands. "So are you stayin' again or what?"

"Mm, I dunno. Do you want me to?" Kirishima had asked.

"Don't know. Don't care, I guess. But we basically just started this game and we're in the middle of shit..."

To that, Kirishima chuckled. "If you want me to stay, all ya gotta do is say so. But if I do, I should probably go home and grab some stuff first, since I already slept in these clothes and all that."

"Sure. Whatever."

Kirishima couldn't say he was all that surprised when Bakugou tagged along with him back to his own apartment. The walks and the bus rides were filled with their usual conversation—about the comics, about Kirishima's art, a few things about how the end of the semester had gone for him. And though Kirishima hadn't stopped thinking about Bakugou being sick since the second he found out, he was glad that, despite now knowing the truth behind so much about Bakugou he hadn't understood before, their conversations remained normal; if anything, they were closer as friends. (And if Kirishima was being honest—and he usually was—he'd say their relationship ran deeper than even that, though he couldn't fully be sure that wasn't just his silly crush filtering his view of things.)

The only evidence of the previous day's snow were the wet sidewalks, and the clouds that made them that way had departed, leaving the sky big and bright and blue again. The air remained chilly, though, and from the walk between bus stops and apartments, it was easy for Kirishima to see how greatly the cold affected Bakugou as he kept his shaking shoulders hunched and his jaw clenched the entire time.

Kirishima brushed off all of the teasing jokes from his roommates when he told them he was only there to grab a few things before going back to Bakugou's.

As the two of them were jogging back down the stairs he said, "Hey, wanna stop at the grocery store real quick and grab some snacks and stuff?"

"Don't have money to pay for it with," Bakugou responded stiffly. "I only get checks once a month."

"Don't worry about it, man. I've got us covered."

Bakugou responded with one of his classic huffs but argued no further, so Kirishima led him off the bus a few stops too soon to head into a nearby grocery store where they gathered up a few things to take back. As they were finished checking out, Kirishima had gathered all of the bags in his hands and was getting ready to head toward the door when Bakugou yanked on his wrist.

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