Chapter 1

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*Beep!* *Beep!*

I rolled over on my bed and slammed my hand into the snooze button, too lazy and tired to get up. I snuggled back under my warm covers, only to be disturbed a second time by someone violently shaking my shoulders.

"Get UP!!! You're going to make both of us late!"

"Shut up Brianna..." I groaned tiredly. Brianna is my very annoying 13 year old sister with absolutely no manners whatsoever, a very stubborn attitude and a high, squeaky voice.

"If you don't wake up now, I'm going to tell mom and you're going to be big trouble!"

Did I mention she's also a HUGE tattletale? Annoyed and unable to fall back asleep due to Brianna's bickering, I reluctantly said goodbye to my sweet bed and went to go get ready. After what was about 30 minutes, I was fully dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my backpack and packed everything I needed, made lunch for me and Brianna, and was about to go to check on Ginger, our pet cat, when Brianna's yelling interrupted me.

"Lexxxxxiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! I need your help!"

"Ugh, seriously? Again?" I groaned and slowly made my way to her room. The door was open a slight bit, so I peeked in and gasped.

"Brianna. What. The. Heck."

"Hehe....." she nervously laughed.

"Ok. I get that this is your first day of high school, but that doesn't mean you put mom's whole make-up bag on your face!" I sigh. "Here I'll clean it up for you."

"Thanks.... and sorry"

"Hey, so someone finally learned to apologize eh?" I smirk.

"Only today. Never again" Brianna grumbles.

"Ok your all done. Let's go head to school before we are late ok? It's definitely not a good idea to be late on the first day." I grab my bag and stepped outside, Brianna trailing behind me. Today is both our first days at Silver Creek High School. Of course, I've been to high school before, but my family moved houses so I had to transfer to S.C. and to be honest, I am a bit nervous. I wish I had my old besties Alyssa and Maia with me, but they couldn't move with me, so I'm basically going to be stuck with Brianna for the whole day. I doubt I'm going to be able to make friends on the first day, since I'm not exactly the most friendly, social type of girl.

"Lexi? Hello? I know your mad at me, but please don't ignore me. It's so boring!!!" Brianna whines, snapping me back into reality.

"Fine, but we're here now anyways so go away and try not to make enemies on the first day..." I reply, knowing full well she's not going to listen to a word I say.

I watch her sprint off to the nearest kids and starts talking while the other people just stare at her with a confused expression. Sighing, I start heading to my locker to put my bag away. My mom already got me to know everything I need to know about my classes, my locker number, made my memorize my schedule, the teachers, and even got the principle to show me around a few days ago. On my way to my locker, I spotted a couple of girls gathering behind the wall whispering about something and constantly looking towards the area where my locker is.

"Ummm... hello? What are you all staring at?" I ask confused.

They all did a small gasp and shrieked. "Seriously? Are you blind? The hottest guy in school is standing like, right there!" A girl with light, curly brown hair answered.

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