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JiHee's POV

Thump, thump, thump. There goes my heart again. Just because of that stupid phone call with Hoseok makes my heart act up. Think JiHee think!

I ran around my room to find some appropriate pants and a t-shirt to wear so I won't embarrass myself and go to the party in my bunny pj's with my matching bunny slippers.

I then ran to my parents room to wake them up and to explain what the whole situation is going on. Too bad I can't drive myself to pick them up. I told them to hurry up since Hoseok is the only one that's sober.

I decided to start the car and let it warm up since it's a little chilly outside, I jump in the back seat and wait for them to hurry up. My heart thumps even louder and faster, thinking of what I said to Hoseok on the phone remembering how stupid I probably sounded. I facepalmed and started throwing a small tantrum.

Ten minutes have pasted, mom and dad still haven't gotten to the vehicle yet. I felt my eyes getting droopy, I could fall asleep any moment until the passenger and driver door opened. I jumped and took me a second to realize my parents are finally in the car.

"It's about time." I say while laughing. "Well, if you had your drivers licenses you would be back home by now." My Dad said while backing out of the drive way. I just roll my eyes since my parents tell me that about 500 times a day. I sighed and threw my head back on the seat, I decided to close my eyes for only a few minutes, but I actually fell asleep the whole ride there.

"JiHee." "Honey, it's time to help, we are at the party." I faintly hear my parents call for me, telling me to wake up and help trying to get the six boys out of the house. "I'm wake." I say while rubbing my eyes. "Just give me 3 minutes to wake up and then we can go." I say while sitting up and yawning.

Hoseok's POV

I looked at my phone '11:00 pm' shows brightly on my lock screen. I'm just ready to get out of this party and go home and sleep! I decided to go outside so I can get some fresh air and not the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. It was pretty chilly outside and it felt amazing to have a slight breeze hit my face. I sit down in the rocking chair they owners of the house had on their porch impatiently waiting for JiHee to come and pick us up.

'11:30 pm' shows up on my screen again, deciding whether or not I should text JiHee yet. "Why can't you just text the girl!" I tell myself while looking at her number. As I was about to send the message to JiHee, I saw a car rolling up in the driveway, seeing JiHee and her parents getting out of the vehicle. I'll text her once I get home from this party.

JiHee's POV

As I got out of the car, I saw a figure sitting on the rocking chair looking down at his phone. Once we were half way to the steps, the figure stood up and started walking towards us. The closer we go the more I realized it was Hoseok.

"Thank you so much for coming, there was no way I could handle the six of them all at once." Hoseok said to my parents with his bright smile, showing off his cute little dimple. "It's our pleasure Hoseok, thank you for calling instead of handling it alone." My mom said to him smiling back. My parents always loved Hoseok. They love all the others equally but mostly Hoseok since I've told them my little crush on him. Yes, I tell my parents everything since I have no friends.

I didn't realize I was staring at Hoseok the whole time until my mom hit my arm, trying to get my attention. "You were staring at him the whole time we were talking. Stop being so obvious." My mom whispered to me. My face turned red from embarrassment.

"Okay, follow me." Hoseok said holding the door for me and mom. "I have to first find them since they are all over the place." Hoseok said while pushing his hair back showing his forehead out of stress. "I'll help Hoseok." I quietly said, pushing my glasses up since they were falling down. "Thanks JiHee, you go upstairs and I'll stay down here." He said, pointing to the direction of the stairs. "Hey Hoseok, don't be too stressed about this, we got this." I said smiling to him and giving him a thumbs up before running upstairs.

Hoseok's POV

While looking for the members, I spot Jimin and Tae cuddling on the couch in the main living room. Almost everyone has already left since it's past midnight, thank the gods I'm the only one who is seeing this right now since everyone else is either upstairs or hanging out by the fire in the back yard.

Tae was the easiest to get since he was mostly on top of Jimin. Jimin however, was super complicated to pry off the couch. I got Tae to go outside and get in the vehicle while I was still trying to get Jimin to wake up.

"Why are you trying to take JiHee away from me." Jimin mumbles while I carry him to the car. "Jimin, shut up, you're drunk." I say while sitting him down in the car and putting his seat belt on. "I've known her longer, please don't do this to me." He mumbles one last time before he falls back to sleep.


I'm honestly super proud of this chapter! I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do! Remember to comment and vote while you are at it!

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