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Georgia Melissa Coleman. My best friend. Or at least what was left of her. I couldn't even count how many tubes she was connected to. Her heart monitor was beeping at a agonizingly slow rate. Her entire face was bruised.

I carefully walked towards her bed, afraid if I stepped too hard I'd shake the floors and hurt her.

"Gigi?" I quietly called out her name. "If you can hear me, wake up. I'm here now. I wish I would've come sooner but.." I closed my eyes and kneeled next to her bed. I stood silent for what felt like forever, until finally speaking.

"I've never believed in a God, but if you're up there, don't take Gigi yet. She has so much she hasn't done in her life yet. She deserves another chance." I directed my attention back to my best friend. "And Gi?" I put my hand over hers. "You're not allowed to leave me yet. Ok?"

I stood up and wiped my tears on my shirt. After giving Gigi a kiss on the forehead I stepped out of the room to see Alex sleeping on the chair.

"Alex," I shook his shoulders, mimicking what he had done to me earlier.

"Wha-?" He groggily asked.

"C'mon. Let's go."

We walked back though the hospital hallways, and to the car. I decided I'd drive because he was tired. After I parked in front of the building I looked over to Alex's sleeping form.

I raised my hand, my brain not keeping up with what my body was doing. My hand seemed to move itself from tracing Alex's lips, to his jaw, to his throat. I realized what I was doing and pulled my hand away. Until it was yanked back.

Alex pulled me so close our lips ghosted over each other, making butterflies dance in my gut. He smirked before softly placing his lips over mine, then moving to my jaw, then my throat; just as I did. My breath hitched in my throat, but I found myself running my hand through his soft hair.

Then, he pulled away, leaving me pouting due to the loss of contact. He opened his door and started walking into the building. My skin was burning everywhere his lips touched. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

As soon as we got into the elevator I couldn't help but yawn. A wave of fatigue washed over me, and I could hardly stand upright. Alex opened the door to the apartment, and we walked into his room. Not even caring that he was in the room, I started changing into the clothes he provided. He was probably too tired to care as well.

Alex took a blanket out of his closet, and started walking out of the room.

"Wait-" I grabbed his wrist to keep him from leaving. "Can you stay with me?" I asked, keeping my head down. Alex gave me a small smile and nodded. I walked to the bed and laid down. Alex joined me after he put the blanket back in the closet. We were facing away from each other, and I kept feeling the urge to turn towards him. However, I didn't.

"Thank you for everything Alex." I mumbled right before drifting off to sleep.

i feel like this chapter was super short but 🤷🏻‍♀️. i kinda wanna add in moments from the vlogs that i miss (target with alex and liza, alex attacking tables and ppl) so i might do that.

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