The Field

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The ride to the field was pretty much across town, and riding a skateboard that long was not very thrilling. And, to make it even worse, the walk across the large landscape seemed to go on forever.
Most of the way, she only chatted with Lucas, but even that was getting boring. She'd much rather be at the arcade right now, not trudging across some stupid field.  Why did Mike have to bring up such a stupid plan? What was at this field? Why was this field so special?
She glanced over at Lucas, who had now begun a conversation was Dustin next to him, and sighed. At least two people were happy she was here.
Mike and Eleven hadn't liked her from the get go, but she still couldn't figure why. She had reviewed it many times, but she couldn't think of a single thing she'd done wrong to them, and yet, they still treated her like last year's newspaper ad.
She didn't mind that they were there. She had no problem hanging out with them, they were genuinely good people. ....Except when they went all power couple on her and Lucas, Dustin, or Will had to calm them down. And even though El had never spoken to her ever, she could always feel the hate radiating off of the girl. It was always in waves negativity, even when her boyfriend stood up for her; which seemed to happen a lot. He took a lot of battles for her.
"Let's take a rest here." Dustin called out.
Max came to a stop and looked around. They were still in the field, on top of a large grassy hill that seemed to lead like a passageway into the woods. Man, it seemed like it would hurt to fall down the hill and roll into that...
"This spot's pretty good," she commented.
"Yes." A quiet voice rippled through the wind. "A nice chance to rest your stupid, pretty princess legs..."
Max's head whipped in the direction of the voice. Even though she didn't know all the details, the voice had been dark and feminine enough. It belonged to Eleven. Even if she couldn't have recognized the voice, it was usually Eleven who insulted her.
Any other time, Max would've been the mature one, and simply ignored it.  But when a small smile grew across Will's face, she felt herself growing hot with anger.
"Why are you so mean to me, Eleven?" She growled. "What have I ever done to you?"
As usual, El did not respond.
Max let out a huff and crossed her arms across her chest. She had never done anything to them, they didn't have a reason for their hostility. She stared at the ground and longed to go somewhere else where Mike and Eleven couldn't reach her. She would have spun on her heel and stormed out of there, if a gentle arm hadn't wrapped around her shoulder. Instinctively, she leaned into Lucas' caring embrace.
"They'll get over it one day," he said to her.
Max narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. Lucas had been saying that for quite some time now.  If anything, Mike and Eleven had been getting worse towards her; it didn't seem like they were ever going to get over it.

When they had finally arrived at the field, Mike was so covered in sweat, he felt like a fountain. The dull throb he had learned to ignore since this morning had grown into a crescendo behind his eyes.
When he'd thrown his bike on the ground next to Lucas', he'd almost gone down with it. He hoped no one had noticed his misfortune , but El seemed to be giving him some pretty worried looks.
"Mike! Come on, get your head out of the clouds!"
Mike jumped, the yell smashing into his head like a rock. "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" He muttered with a small, but fake, smile. 
He spun around and caught up with his friends, coming into pace with El.
She looked up Mike, worry sparkling in her chocolate brown eyes, and slid her hand into his, giving it a hard squeeze. 
Mike squeezed it weakly, and turned his attention to the ground as the party came to a stop on top of a hill.
The grass looked so soft and warm.... almost like a bed.... maybe if he could just lie down for a second-
"You never even liked me!"
A loud voice broke his concentration, and Mike's head snapped up to see what was going on. What did he miss? He had only been staring at the grass for less than a second... he hadn't even felt Eleven's hand leave his. He never saw her cross the field to Max.
"I swear, you never liked me, and I don't even know you all that well!" Max cried, advancing on El.
Mike watched El take a step back, but she didn't say anything. A new rush of protective anger coursed through his veins, and he took a step towards the two fighting girls.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" He shouted.
"Why should I? She's always insulting me! Don't you think I get a turn too? You two have never even liked me!" Max shouted. "And I haven't done anything!"
That was the final straw and Mike's anger exploded as he pushed his girlfriend behind him. "Correct! We don't like you!"
"Mike!" Lucas gasped.
"It's the truth, Lucas!" Mike turned back to Max. "I never wanted you in our party, and I don't like that you're in our party! The only reason I tolerate it is because you're dating one of my best friends!"  He snapped, gesturing to Lucas at the same time.
"All three of you, stop it!" Lucas butt in.
"Stay out of it, Lucas!" Max yelled.
Lucas took a step back towards Dustin and Will, his eyes growing wide at the hostility.
Mike didn't completely think it was like him to do so, but he didn't question it.
"You're annoying, you're loud, and you're mean!" Mike continued.
"But, most importantly, you hurt El! And when you do that, you cannot come back from it! You can't come back from it!" Mike took a panting breath, words beginning to slip out of his mouth like butter, some of which he didn't even mean. "You're stupid, you're a lying cheat! I don't like you- in fact, I hate you! You're one of the worst people I've ever met!"
He noticed Max's eyes growing just as watery as his and tried to stop himself, so he could apologize. But,  the words weren't out of his system quite yet.
"You're disgusting, and you're a moron! The only reason Lucas fell for a mouth breather as slimy as you, was because-"
His words were abruptly cut off by a loud, dreadful screech. It had come from Max, who had burst into an angry fit of tears and had broken down sobbing right in front of him.
Mike's muscles tightened, the screech seeming to burn into his mind, turning his senses into gravy. He dropped to his knees as the strength practically drained out of him. His ears were ringing so badly, he almost missed a very faint, but worried voice from behind him.
The words seemed to pierce his skull and he echoed Max's shrill screech, but this time more painfully.  His whole body was on fire! The pain quickly spread from his head, all the way to the tips of his toes. He felt like he was being choked by liquid fire, almost as if someone were shoving it down his throat. He noticed Max on her knees in front of him, her eyes were leaking, but she looked more afraid if anything.
Mike tried to speak, to say anything, ask for help, but only a strangled grunt escaped his lips. He gagged once, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he toppled over on the ground. He didn't feel himself hit the ground right away, in fact, he seemed slide almost. But, he didn't have any time to question it because he was unconscious before his hands even touched the grass.

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