Chapter 7》Feelings

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"What do you mean, 'I still don't know'?" Jungkook asks, making me wipe my face in annoyance.

"Yeah, Jungkook. I don't know when this little game of his will end." I said, laying down on my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

"Well, you don't know, but what if he's not playing? What if he really has feelings for you?" Jungkook asks, making me chuckle bitterly.

I sat up, smirking as I looked into the younger one's eyes.

"Kook, what we're doing is simply business. I embarassed him infront of the whole school so now, I'm paying him back." I said, making Jungkook raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah, but the both of you have been going at it for about a month already! I don't believe you if you'd say you didn't develop any feelings for him." He said, crossing his arms like a little child.

"Then don't believe it. No one's forcing you. The only thing he's been doing was walking me to class, eating with me during lunch breaks and walking me home along with Namjoon hyung. Who'd fall for that? It's simply an act of kindness for me. We've never gone cuddling before, too." I stated, making Jungkook's jaw drop.

"You guys never cuddled before?!" He shrieked, making me place a finger in my ear.

"Boy, if you don't-"

"How about kissed?? Have you guys even kissed before??" He asked, his voice getting higher and higher by the second.

I was about to answer him when memories of that heated make out session came back.

If I think about it, Yoongi and I did share a kiss. Not only was it a kiss, but it was a make out.

Instead of answering the younger one, I bit on my lip to prevent a smile coming out.

"Well, don't answer that. Jimin called me for a date. I need to go, bye hyung." Jungkook says, walking out my bed room.

As the front door of my apartment closes, I layed my back on my bed again, thinking about what would it be like if Yoongi and I actually were together?

Would we be cuddling every night?

Would we share kisses everytime we see each other?

Will he ever leave my side?

My heart dropped at the thought of that.

What if... what if he leaves me after this? Will he ever come back?

I don't want him to leave me.

I want to stay by his side. I want to take care of him when I'm all grown up. I want to take care of our children together in the future. I want to marry-

"HOLY SHIT I'M INLOVE!" I exclaimed as my whole body shot up.

"Huh?" I voice spoke up from my bedroom door, making my head snap to my left.

There stood Yoongi with skinny jeans and a big black baggy sweater that read 'swaeg' on bold white letters.

"O-oh, Yoongi hyung. Hey, what's up?" I asked, bringing my legs closer.

"What are you talking about? I came to see how my boyfriend was doing.." he smiled, making his way to the bed.

I rolled my eyes at him, mentally scoffing at the label.

Yeah, if only it were true.

The bed dipped to my side as Yoongi slowly sat down.

"So, how are you?" He asked like it was the most normal thing he could ask in a day to day basis.

I was finally annoyed and got impatient.

"Yoongi, tell me. What really are we?" I asked, my features growing more serious by the minute.

"What do you mean? You're my boyfr-"

"Without the act, Yoongi."

My eyes dug into his, making sure he got the message that I was dead serious about the question.

This caught him off guard.

He looked back into my eyes, making me gulp loudly as I saw that his eyes turned a shade darker.

"We're friends." He answered, his eyes holding no emotion what so ever.


I mentally scoffed, again.

I let out a disappointed breath, not even knowing why the hell I was disappointed.

I nodded softly a couple of times as I held back a few tears.

"Of course. I was expecting that." I lied, smiling through the pain currently on my chest.

He smiled back, not even caring to ask why I frowned instead of smiling back at him.

"Now get out, I wanna jerk off." I joked, pushing him off the bed.

"Perv." He laughed out, walking out the door, slamming it shut.

My smile immediately disappeared as I heard him shut the apartment door close.

I layed back on my bed, crying my heart out as I clutched it tightly.

Never had I ever felt such emotion towards a person in years.

This felt somehow new, like I haven't felt this kind of pain before yet.

That's because this is your first time feeling love.

I shook my head, blocking out the voices in my head.

The whole night, I blocked out all emotions except for pain.

I blocked them out until my body felt absolutely numb.

I couldn't get up, I couldn't breathe properly.

Why am I reacting like this?

Like he said, we're just friends.

Taehyung, stop overreacting.

I layed there on my bed, emotionless and numb as I finished pouring out all my emotions.

Tomorrow's another day.

Another day to see him.

Another day to pretend.

How long will these days go until I couldn't take it anymore?

How long will this pain linger around?

How long will the genre of 'love' be completely useful to my life?

I sighed, seeing that the sun has risen.

I cried the whole night. Pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to focus on today's lessons.

Fuck you, Min Yoongi. If this is how much you affect me when we're just 'friends', then what will happen if you actually break up with me in the future, if we ever have one?


Sorry if this was badly written ;(

Short chapter, I apologize for that.

Vote, comment and share with your friends, please, I'm desperate


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