♡Full Moon♥

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Hi. My name is Luna and I'm a werewolf. My whole family are werewolves, which means I have alot of brothers and sisters. Half of them live with my grandparents and the other half live with us. One day I saw a moving truck parked in the driveway of the house next to us.

Me: Hey, someone is moving in next door.

Howleen: Really ? I wonder if they have any kids ?

Me: They should with all that stuff.

A couple of days later, Howleen and I sitting on the steps on the porch when a Lincoln rolled up in the driveway of the next house. 3 girls and 7 boys came out.

Me: Nice ride

Howleen: Yea. You know they have to money to be riding in style like that. Do you think they know who we are ?

Me: They do now. Your ears are as plain as day.

Howleen: Me ? You're the one whose petting her tail like it's normal.

Me: Hey, I forgot to brush it today. Look, the boys are coming over.

Howleen: Play it cool.

Boy: Hello. I'm Jackie. We're your new neighbors. These are my brothers. Jermaine, Brandon, Tito, Michael, Marlon, and Randy.

Howleen: Hi. I'm Howleen and this is my twin sister, Luna. I'm older than her.

Me: By 15 seconds. Hi. Where you guys from ?

Brandon: The other side of town.

Randy: Are you really werewolves ?

Me: Why wouldn't we be ? We smelled your scent from 5 miles away before you got here.

Mike: Pretty impressive.

Howleen: Your mom is calling you.

5 seconds later their mom came out.

Mike: Mother, come here. These are our new neighbors.

Mother: Hello. I'm Katherine,  but you can call me Katie.

Me: Mrs. Katie, I'm Luna and this is my twin sister.

Mother: Yea. You girls look so cute. Got your tails and everything. Well, I was calling the boys for dinner.

Girl: Mother, Can I...

Brandon: Janet, come here.

Janet: Wow! Are you really werewolves ?

Howleen: Yes.

Janet: I think werewolves are the coolest. Mother, can they eat dinner with us ?

Mother: I don't know. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I mean if it's alright with their mother.

Howleen: I'm sorry. Our parents aren't home at the moment right now.

Janet: Awww.

Howleen: I'll tell you what, tomorrow you can play with the both of us. We'll teach you how to howl.

Janet: Ok.

Mike: It was nice meeting you, Luna and Howleen.

They went inside, so did we.

We went upstairs.

Me: They were nice. I....aaggh.

Bryce jumped on my face; knocking me down.

Me: Ooww! Grrrr!

Moon: Hahaha.

Howleen: Just wait till mommy and daddy get home.

Crescent: Hey, I heard you met the neighbors. How were they ?

Me: Nice.

Clawdeen: Yea, but did you see the way Brandon looked at you ?

Howleen: No.

Clawdia: Too bad. He looked like he was about to jump you.

Me: Haha.

Clawdeen: What are you laughing about ?

Clawdia: Yea. Michael had his eyes all over you.

Crescent: He couldn't keep them off of you.

Me: Whatever. I went my room that I share with Howleen. She alrwady had her p.j.s on. I put mine on. I looked out the window.

Howleen: Brandon is not that bad looking.

Me: Yea. Neither is Michael. I think he likes me.

Howleen: Can stevie wonder play the piano ? What should we do tomorrow ?

Me: I think  we should play our game with them.

Howleen: That sounds perfect. I'm going to bed. Night.

Me: Night.

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