♡Chapter 2♥

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*Next Day*

I got a piece of paper and made those paper-wasps. I could hear the boys outside. I got my sling-shot.

Me: Ok, you remeber what to do ? Howleen: Yea.

Me: Ok. Now go and get into postion. Imma fire the first shot.

She took off. I opened the window and Howleen was already in place. The boys had their back turned to me. I found Marlon.


Marlon: Ooww!! Michael, is this yours ?

Mike: No, man. I'm standing right here.

I fired the second one at Michael, but it landed in his hair. I shot the third one at Brandon, but he caught it.

Me: Uh-oh.

Brandon: I think I know who's been firing these at us

Tito: Who ?

Brandon: Michael's girl. You can smell the wolf on it.

Mike: Give me that!! Luna!!!

He changed into a bat and flew into my room.

Me: They're vampires ?

Mike: Yes, we are. Why are shooting these at us ?

Me: I don't know. Just..you know.. having fun. You're not gonna drink my blood, are you ?

Mike: No. I like you.

Me: I like you too.

Howleen: Put me down!!!!!

We rushed to the window. Brandon had Howleen by the belt off the ground.

Me: Hey!!! Put her down! !

I jumped out the window.

Mike: Why are you holding her like that ?

Marlon: Brandon caught her about to shoot those wasps at us some more. Did Luna put you up to this ?

Howleen: No. It's a wolf thing. Now please put me down.

Brandon: Yea, I will. IF you give me a kiss.

Howleen: What ? No way.

Brandon: Guess you're coming home with us. Do you howl in you sleep ?

Howleen: What?! Ok.Ok. Just one kiss ?

Brandon: I want to taste your fangs.

Howleen: Ewww!! Alright Howleen.  You can do this, girl.


Me: Oh my claws.

Brandon: See ? Did that kill you ?

Howleen: No.

Brandon: I think I like kissing you.

Howleen: Really ? I think I do, too.

Brandon: This might sound sudden and we just met, but would you like to be my ghoul ?

Howleen: I don't know

Brandon: Just give me a chance, please ?

Howleen: I'll think about it.

Brandon: Fair enough.

Mama came out with Bryce.

Mama: Bryce came out to play with y'all. Kick the ball around with him.

Byrce got his ball.

Bryce: I wanna play, you fleabag.

Mike: What ?

Me: Who you calling a fleabag ? Here, give me that.

I took the ball and kicked it as far as possible.  It went soaring. He went after it. He came back with it in his mouth.

Me: Drop it. Good boy. Go get it!

Mike: He's pretty fast.

Me: Yea.

Mike: Since you're a wolf, can you fight ?

Me: Yea. Why wouldn't I be ? You wanna fight with me ?

Mike: No. You wanna know why ?

Cause girls can't fight.

Me: YOU did a NOT say that to ME today.

Howleen: Now you're gonna get.

Mike: That's right. I said it.

He got in the fighting postion.

Mike: Come on, girlie.

Howleen: Michael,  I would stop if I were you.

Mike: She's not gonna do anything, are you girlie ?


Next thing I know, Michael was holding the side of his jaw.

Mike: Awww!

Me: Told ya.

He changed into a bat and flew away.

Brandon: Wow. I'm not gonna mess with the two of you. I gotta go. See ya later.

Howleen: Brandon, wait. I've thought about it and yes.

Brandon: Really?! Thank you!


Brandon: I'll see you tomorrow.

We went inside ate dinner and got ready for bed.

*Later that night*

It was 3 in the morning. Our room was dark and the window wad open ti let the breeze in. In the middle of the dark. I heard someone calling my name. I thought I was just dreaming, but it got loud enough to where it woke me up, but not Howleen.

Me: Hello ?

Voice: Luna ?

Me: Whose there ?

Voice: Luna ?

It came from the window. So I got up and crept to the window. I poked my head out to find Michael on the wall of our house.

Me: Michael ?

Mike: Hey wolfy.

Me: What are you doing ?

Mike: You know....hanging around. Ha.

Me: Ok. Then why are you here ?

Mike: I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would come see you.

Me: Why ?

Mike: I told you already. I like you.

Me: So, you come to see me after I hit you ?

Mike: Yea. You left a mark.

Me: Does it hurt ?

Mike: Yes. You wanna kiss it to make it better ?

Me: No and services you right.

Mike: Whatever. School is coming up. You ready ?

Me: I guess.

Mike: What kind of guys do you like ?

Me: I don't know. What kind of girls do you like ?

Mike: Well, I like wolves, so I'm gonna find me one. She has to have pretty yellow eyes, long hair, and a tail that almost touches the ground with a little curl at the end. She gotta be able to fight.

Me: I think you just described me.

Mike: Oh. What's past the hill ?

Me: The woods. We have our annual tournament there.

Mike: Tournament ?

Me: Yea. Evert year the rest of my family comes here to compete. We go

towards the back and fight each other. This year great-granddaddy is coming.

Mike: When is it ?

Me: Next month. Well, I gotta go back to bed. Good night.

Mike: Good night.

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