Chapter 18 - Physics and Pretend Pregnancies

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          This is Aina xx Another chapter for y'all xx hope you like it xx


          It was last lesson and I was bored out of my mind. The teacher was droning on and on. I had no idea what was going on or what the teacher was saying. Shaking my head I tried to focus my eyes on the board again, I could officially say that this was my worst lesson.

This was physics.

          I always ended up falling asleep in this lesson, which is why I always had extra homework on mondays, copying up Emily's notes for that lesson. I gave one look at the board and all the will power to stay awake this lesson seemed to drain right out of me.

          On the board was a sketch of a graph showing the speed of something. Graphs were always my weak spot, not that I was dumb because my family genes just wouldn't allow that, but I was never able to under stand the concept of graphs.

          My shoulders slumped and my head fell down onto the table cushioned by my arms. My eyes were closed and my mind was slowly drifting into the peace full land of rainbows and skittles.

          It was like I was in an advert where I was surrounded by rainbows and skittles raining down on me, I could actually taste the rainbows and they tasted just like skittles.

          But then the colours started fading and voices started filling my ears. "Amy Roberts get up this minute" I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the haziness, but when I took my hands away from my eyes and opened them, I came face to face with the old wrinkled face of my physics teacher Mr.Benson.

          His face was so close that I could actually see the hairs that were sprouting out of his nostrils. I yelped and jumped in my chair nearly throwing myself backwards but I grabbed the table edge just in time, saving myself from cracking my skull.

          The look on my face must have been hilarious because Emily, who was seated next to me was clutching her stomach and laughing so hard tears were running down her face.

          I glared at her and then turned and gave Mr.Benson a sheepish grin, which he responded to with a scowl. "Miss Roberts have payed attention to any of this lesson or anything I've said"

          "Errmmm...yh?" I said hesitantly.

          "Oh really...hmmm...lets test that then," Mr.Benson said "Ok so Miss.Roberts why don't you answer this question... Here is the graph now find the retard." Did I hear him right?

          Did he just tell me to find the retard? "What?" I questioned confused.

          "I said find the retard." I was still confused. I knew he probably wasn't talking about what I was thinking but I, being me, was going to give him the answer he didn't want.

          "Well, sir that's easy." I smirked and cast a sideways glance to Emily before facing Mr.Benson again "The retard is obviously..." I looked around at the faces of everyone in the room before mustering a neutral expression and turning back to face the teacher.

          "Emily!" understanding what I meant Emily started shaking with laughter with me. We probably looked like crazy lunatics, fresh out of the nut house. But I looked at some of the other people in the class and they too were laughing like us. Then I turned to look at Mr.Benson and the look on his face was what made my laughter calm down.

          He looked livid. His face was bright red and I could imagine smoke coming straight out of his ears, he was fuming that bad. "GET OUT OF MY CLASS NOW AND YOU HAVE A WEEKS DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!" he bellowed. With that everyone shut up and I got up out of my seat to exit the room. Before I stepped out of the room I turned and gave Emily a quick wink, she giggled and winked back.

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