Flu Season

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When you get the idea as the flu is going around college😂 Age in this is 15/16. You choose💕

El Hopper felt awful- scratch that- she felt miserable.

Why was there a thing called "flu season"? Didn't the four seasons get enough time?

Her throat felt like it was on fire and her head pounded worse than anytime she'd used her powers. Anything in the Upside Down had nothing on this.

She could defeat monsters but a virus kept her in bed? That was something that irritated her to no end.

Not only was she feeling miserable, but she was bored and tired. The tv gave her a headache; even at a low volume. Not to mention- all of the soap operas were reruns that she'd practically memorized. What's the point of watching them again if you can't act them out?

Meanwhile, Hopper was worried about her. El didn't have a strong immune system. She'd spent practically her whole life in a lab before meeting those three boys in the woods. He didn't want to loose another daughter. He didn't want to go through the pain again.

She refused to go to a doctor- and with right reason. He couldn't persuade her with all of the Eggos in the world to get her to go where they had more needles and lab coats. He had phoned the Byers' house and Joyce (who had gone through flu season with her two boys before) reassured him that all he could really do was keep her comfortable and wait it out.

A knock on the door (the secret knock) caused him to set down his newspaper and get up from the couch. He didn't even have to take a guess at who it was. Hopper had told Mike not to come over many times to keep him from getting sick too, but the boy was just as (if not more) stubborn than him. Mike insisted that his sister Holly had the same flu so he should be immune to it now.  Hopper unlocked the door with a sigh and quickly pulled Mike in the cabin- putting the locks back in place.

"Is she okay? How is she doing? Does she have a fever? Does-"

Hopper held a hand out to stop the million questions that tumbled out of the worried kid's mouth.

"Easy Wheeler. She's doing alright. We just need to let her rest."

Mike nodded quickly and Hopper saw him glance at the door to El's room. He sighed and ran his hand over his face.

"Go ahead."

Hopper could barely finish his sentence before Mike had nearly sprinted to El's room.

Mike gently moved the half closed door and stepped inside.

Since El was now living with Hopper permanently, they'd decided her room needed to be decorated. With the aid of Nancy, they had painted her room a lavender color. Polaroids of all of the kids hung up on El's bedroom wall.

He looked over at her sleeping figure under the covers and smiled sadly. He always wished she'd sleep peacefully and would do anything he could to keep nightmares from invading her mind. He walked over and crouched by her bed, taking her hand and rubbing his thumb over it.

"Hey kid," Hopper said, poking his head through the door, "I have an emergency call and have to head to the station. Keep her company, okay? Make sure she's alright. Can you do that?"

Mike nodded.

"And no funny business." Hopper said, with a small glare.

It wasn't that Hopper didn't trust Mike. In fact, he liked the boy very much after seeing how much he cared for El. That didn't mean he wouldn't still be protective over her.

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