Never Leave Me

661 19 83

Age: 15-16 (you choose)

El could barely breathe as she stood outside Hawkins' Lab; Mike and Hopper by her side.  Creatures had spawned from who knows where and El knew where the portal would be.  Just like last time.

When they'd left the Hopper-Byers' house everyone had begged to come with them to keep them safe but Hopper stood his ground, telling them the best thing for them all to do was stay home.

2 people in the town had died from these creatures.  The only thing left had been footprints- but not human ones at all.

El was taken from her thoughts when she felt Mike slip his hand into hers, squeezing it in reassurance even though he was terrified.

"We get in- stop this thing and get out." Hopper said sternly, "No bullshit, you got that?" He mainly focused on El with the words, "I don't want you nearly dying kid."

El nodded.

Hopper took his gun from the holster and clicked it, Mike did the same with the one Hopper gave him; squeezing El's hand once more.

Hopper began towards the door, Mike and El following.  Mike stopped at hearing the slightest whimper escape El's lips and turned to her.

"Hey." He said gently, rubbing a hand against her forearm.  His kissed her forehead softly, lingering his lips there, "It's going to be okay.  It's going to be over soon El."

She nodded and took a deep breath before following to where Hopper stood at the door, surveying their surroundings.

"Stand back." He instructed.

Mike and El took a few steps back before Hopper shot at the lock on the door- successfully unlocking it from the outside.  He yanked the door open and ushered the two inside.  Hopper quickly made his way in front of the two, blocking them from whatever would meet them.

Mike gripped El's hand tighter, holding the gun in barely steady hands.

"Upstairs." El whispered.

"What?" Hopper asked, turning his head to look at them.

"We have to go upstairs." She repeated.

The three opened the door to the stairwell before quietly climbing up.  Hopper looked through the window of the door before opening it and leading them down the hallway.

A creature jumped out from behind a door, bearing its teeth and claws.  Hopper quickly shot it twice- its form hitting the ground with a loud squeal of pain before going silent.

He motioned for them to continue, stepping around the body.

"I know where to go." El said.

She shakily took the lead, letting go of Mike's hand.  She knew the room to go to- where it would be.

She stopped in front of the room that had been her cell once.  Her hell of a prison.  Both Hopper and Mike saw all color drain from El's face in fear before her fists clenched tightly as she heard the voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard to her ears.

"Good to see you've returned subject Eleven."

"That's. Not. My. Name." She gritted her teeth.

Mike and Hopper now stood behind her, seeing Brenner standing in front of a long and seemingly endless portal at the back of the room.

"Seems I found some better- err, experiments now." He grinned before spawning another creature.

With a flick of her neck, El sent the creature slamming into the wall and falling dead.  She took a shaking breath.

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