{10} Ninja of the Fiery Fields

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"Hello, Katasuke! Do you have any game I can borrow from you? I'm out of games," I said while greeting the old man. "Oh, of course I have! I even have a new game in store!," Mr. Katasuke said and showed me the game. "Ninja of the Fiery Fields? Cool!," I said. "Oh, and you're even going to like it! It's all about you, Young Lord!," Mr. Katasuke said. "Really, me as the protagonist? I do like it and I didn't even start!," I said. "But thank you, old man!". "You're always welcome, Young Lord!," Mr. Katasuke said and adjusted his glasses while smiling.

I entered the shop and saw my friends sitting on our usual spot. "Hello, people! I got a new game!," I said. "Cool! What is the name of it?," Inojin asked. "Ninja of the Fiery Fields! And what I'm going tell you now is going to be so amazing!," I said. "Tell us!," Metal said while I was jumping up and down. "I am the protagonist alongside Sarada and Mitsuki, and you are all the antagonists! We're gonna be famous!," I said. The gang cheered and I smiled.


"What's up, Mitsuki?," I asked. "Do you think it will be a good game?," he asked and I nodded. "Of course! You are one of the protagonists! At the story mode we can play all together from different devices! How cool is that?," I asked. Mitsuki smiled. "I guess it will be alright... can I come over to play it?," he asked. "Yes. I'm inviting everyone to check it out!," I said. 

Later on I was greeting my friends at home. "Come in, come in, come in! My mother will be here in no time, so quick and head to my room!". Sarada looked at me and I blushed. "Something up?," I asked. "The sky," Sarada said. "Haha, very funny. Tell me, what's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?," I asked. "I saw this hanging out of your mailbox and I was curious," Sarada said and showed me the front page of a newspaper. In big, cursive and bold lettters, there stood:

"Brave students from Hidden Leaf defeated an enemy that wanted to attack their school!"

"Really? That is awesome to hear! We're getting so famous!," I said. "You thought," Sarada said. "It's nothing special". "Then why did it come into the newspaper?," I asked and laughed. "Damn, I'm so funny". "No, you're not," Sarada said and slapped me with the newspaper. "Anyways, let's go". "Alrighty!".

"Boruto, pick up the pace! We're waiting, let's start!," Shikadai said and I nodded. "Alright, alright...". After a moment I started the game. "It's even in 3D! Katasuke is so cool!". "Really?". After a moment, Shikadai turned the 3D-mode on. Everyone else did the same. "Aww, we look so cute!," Inojin said. "We always were. Look at us, we're children!". The room got filled with laughter. "I wonder how this Katasuke guy made this game...," Iwabe said.

After our characters went to a training field, our Sensei's appeared on screen. "We're going to defeat all of the Sensei's, alright?!". "We HAVE TO defeat them in order to go on. It's a mission. And the side mission says each one of us needs to use at least one jutsu," Metal noticed. "Ah, I see... let's go!".

"Boruto! Why is it so noisy in your room?". "Damn, my mother and Himawari are here! What are we gonna do?!". "Just chill and tell the truth," Sarada said. "Will that be a good idea?," Denki asked with a nervous smile. "Of course. Let me handle it". Sarada went out of the room.

Moments passed and Sarada still wasn't here. "Let's play without her. She's taking too much time away from us". "Alright". The door suddenly got rammed open and Sarada stood in the opening, adjusting her glasses. "You could've killed me, Sarada!". "You're exaggerating". "What did they say?," Shikadai asked. "We can stay here, but we need to be more quiet...". "We just wanted to proceed without you but since you're here, let's go!". "I knew. You're talking so loud. We need to be quiet". "You don't say? We need to be very loud," I said. "You're such a dumbass, I wonder why I'm friends with you". "Because we're on the same team and our dads are ri-". "OKAY!". "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I already stop".

Jeez, what's wrong with them? First of all, why are they so impatient? Second, Katasuke is the one who gave me the game, so I don't understand why they're all hyped up with it while I am the one who should get the most hyped up. And third, I wonder why THEY ALL got mad at me. I was only listing things that Sarada and I have in common. Maybe I should talk less? I don't know.

"Boruto?". "Hm?! Something up, Class Rep?". "You seem lost in your thought, Boruto. Something up?," Sumire asked. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. It's nothing, I guess," I said. "Let's go on".

"Bye, see you tomorrow!". I waved until the last one was gone. Mitsuki is allowed to stay here through the night and we will get to school together tomorrow. How cool is that?! Mitsuki is just an amazing person, don't you think? All his jutsu's and things... just marvelous.

"I know what is bothering you, Boruto," Mitsuki said and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You do?," I asked. "Yes, I see it in your eyes. You shouldn't worry about it. They will lose someone very special once you go on your own path. Only if it keeps going on like that". I sighed. "I would like to do something with you and Sarada. Like, if she's Hokage I'll be the one who protects her, but what will you do?". "Watch you. I'll watch you until my last breath protecting someone you care about". I chuckled. "Thank you, Mitsuki". He smiled.

"Look. You can have this. Katasuke gave me 3 copies, but I think you deserve one of them". I handed him a copy of the game. "Thank you. That's very nice of you...". I smiled. "Let's get inside, it's getting cold!".

Once night has fallen, we were heading to bed. "What are you doing?," I asked. "I wanted to play that game so I won't need to wait... sshh, don't tell anyone!". We laughed. "I won't". "I hope you sleep well". "Thanks. You too". The game lightened Mitsuki's face. After some moments, I heard my character saying "I will become the strongest Shinobi ever, just you watch! Ninja of the Fiery Fields, right at your service!".

"Sorry, Boruto".

"It's okay".

I smiled. This is beautiful. This is... the meaning of life. This is why we are living. We are our own persons...

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