{4} Hidden Mist Village

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"Class," Shino Sensei said. "Silence!". In one second, the whole class was quiet and you couldn't hear a single sound. "Good. Class, I want to make this quick announcement. We're going on a trip to Hidden Mist," Shino Sensei said. "But we already went on a trip," I whispered to Mitsuki and we laughed. "Boruto, what's so funny?," Shino Sensei asked and I was silent. "I already... went on... a trip," I said after a long silence. "A bedroom trip... that is when you go hunting on other people's bedroom!".

"Wow, Boruto". "What does this boy think?". "What an idiot". "What sort of idea is that?". "He's not 100%". "Give this kid a medal". "Give this kid a cup". "Stupid, silly boy". "He needs therapy". "He needs to rest". "He needs to get to the hospital". "And this is the child of 7th?". "This is how dumb boys act". "Let the school suspend him".

"What? Let the school suspend me!? Again?!," I said. "Shino Sensei, do you know what they said?!". "Don't worry," Inojin said. I know that he is sitting somewhere else, but okay. "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child," Shikadai said and I laughed. "I won't," I said.  "I don't worry that much". "Okay class, enough talking. As I said earlier, we are going on a trip tomorrow. On the paper Metal just gave you, you can see the rules that you need to follow. Any rules broken means a punishment," Shino Sensei explained. "Yes!," we sai. It was more shouting than just talking, but okay.

"We're going on a trip!," Denki squeeled. "In our favorite rocket ship," I said. "Drive me through the sky," Inojin said. "Little Einsteins!," Metal said as he jumped in the air and we laughed. "That was actually an amazing performance," Mitsuki said. "Yes, we're actors, but then undercover," I said and did a hairflip. I can't really do that, since my hair is short.

"Oh!," I said and ran to a flower. "What's up with you?," I heard Shikadai shouting. "Look, this flower!," I said. It was bright pink and it was seriously so beautiful! "Are you crazy?," Metal asked. "No!," I said and picked up the flower. It died in just the few seconds that I picked it up and all my friends started laughing. "Le sob," I said and they laughed even harder. It was so intense that Metal lied on the ground. Everyone did. Except Mistuki, of course. He was just smiling as always. Slowly I helped them up. "Damn, Boruto," Shikadai said. "Sorry, Shikadai," I said. "Sorry". "It's okay, don't worry," Shikadai said. "But we're going on a trip!," Denki said. And then we started singing again. Just as the previous time. 

"We are so childish," Inojin said. "Yes, we are," I said. "Mitsuki and I aren't, by the way," Iwabe said. "Vibe killer," I said. "We are childish because we're still children. Logical or not?," Shikadai asked and we all nodded. "I'm not, by the way," Iwabe said and crossed his arms. "But we're Genin," Inojin said. "And we're going on a trip!," Denki said and then we started to sing again. Yes, everytime he says that, we're going to sing and yes. Singing is fun. It's always fun, especially with friends that you're close into, yes. But, Iwabe keeps killing the vibe and that is annoying. Then he obviously doesn't like singing, just as my father. He Always sang, but he doesn't anymore. It was actually getting on my nerves, but I still do it... I didn't say a thing about that, okay? But let's go on, shall we?

"But do you see how excited Denki is?," Mitsuki asked and we nodded. "I'm also excited, but not as excited as Denki is," I said. "I'm always like this when I go on a trip," Denki said. "Yes. You were also like this when we had the bedroom trip," Shikadai said and Denki nodded heavily.   "But at least I'm happy about it," he said. "Anyways, what are we going to do now? It's boring," I said. "We can hang over. At your house," Inojin said. "No. It is someone else's turn now," I said. "Shikadai!". "What the hell?," Shikadai asked and we laughed. "Yes, it is your turn now," Iwabe said. "I can say the same to you," Shikadai said. "I'm not the only one, what a pain". "That's actually true," I said. "Hey, don't worry! We're going on a trip!," Denk sai. This time nobody started singing.  "I tried," Denki said and stepped back. "But anyways, no fighting! It doesn't solve a single thing. We can also do that we first have a sleepover at Shikadai's and then at Iwabe's," Inojin said. "Okay...," Shikadai and Iwabe said at the same time and glanced at each other. I slowly started to walk away, leaving the others behind. I somehow didn't want to be there anymore. Even though I also fight sometimes, I don't like it when I'm involved into one. They didn't even notice that I was walking away, or else they would call my name. Well, I'll just go home now.

"Hey, dad," I said, but nobody answered. Oh yes, I forgot that dad is still at work and Himawari is still at school. And my mom is also at work. I always forget that I'm home alone around this time.

After I walked into my room, I put my bag on the floor and  jumped on my bed. I sighed. It doesn't feel good when 2 of your best friends are fighting, you know. It really feels bad. What if they drive apart? I never know until I talk to them again.

"Boruto, dinners ready," I heard my father shouting. "Yes, I'm coming," I said. I wasn't even hungry, but I still need to eat or my parents will get mad, because I'm not allowed to skip any meals. Well, I need to go now.

"Boruto, why are you so upset?," my mother asked and I looked at her. "It's because Shikadai and Iwabe got into a fight and I'm scared that they will drive apart sometime," I explained. "And I don't want that to happen". It was quiet. "I'm going to talk to them tomorrow. What can I say to them?," I asked. "It's the best to speak the truth. Tell them how you feel about it," my mother said and I nodded. "Thank you! That will do! I love you, mom!". "I love you too, sweety," my mother said and patted me on the head. "Big Brother, are we going to play with my puppets? They want to play with you!," Himawari said and I nodded. "Yes, get ready, because a monster is coming and he's going to eat you!," I said and we ran upstairs. I heard my mother giggling and I did the same.

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